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'Sweetie' - On the bark Path....


By Crissue

'Sweetie' - On the bark Path....

Three out of four of our Cats have made the Bark Path their relax's damp and lumpy, but they like it, just don't know what the attraction is...:))))

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Sweet - my cat loves to sleep on the bark, its very warm to lie on

28 Jul, 2011


Camouflage! Careful you don't step on her! lol!

28 Jul, 2011


My two like laying on bark, this one looks like Hywel's cat Blodyn from the back.

28 Jul, 2011


I've saif that Clarice to OH, especially that tail...:)))

You are so right Karen, she almost blends in...
Elkie scraps some bark away then when she's got it right, lays down and goes to sleep...They are funny cats...
Is your cat named Sweet... Denise ...!!

28 Jul, 2011


Aw cool...Suki naps in my plant pots! with plants in! lol

28 Jul, 2011


oh get into the empty ones...I think one jumped off the arch and missed their landing, as I found a broken branch in the Berberis, and that's a very unforgiving shrub, with

28 Jul, 2011



28 Jul, 2011



We used to do the gardens at the local Pub in the Village on the I.O.W....and one morning, we arrived, and Steve the landlord said you can't start work yet, the Ambulance is here..."What for we said" of the regulars is stuck fast in the this berberis was huge, and he was a bit worse for wear and fell in it, stayed there all night, no-one knew he was there...The Ambulance crew were attempting to extricate word was he scratched...Painful lol....

28 Jul, 2011



28 Jul, 2011


OMG sounds like the three old ladies that got stuck in the lavatory!
Well serves him right for getting drunk lol

29 Jul, 2011



29 Jul, 2011

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