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Agastache liquorice

Agastache liquorice

My Agastache liquorice is in full flower and surrounded by hoverflies and bees,

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yes when to walk past and brush against it, it is quite strong..

2 Aug, 2011


A top class Bee/Butterfly/Hoverfly plant, plus they look and smell good to Humans! :-))

2 Aug, 2011


Yes i agree there MW, :-))

2 Aug, 2011


they are nice Hb, i didn't know that about the tea's and salads, it's amazing what you can learn here.

2 Aug, 2011


Thats lovely and great to have so many hoverflies too on it lovely display its given you.

4 Aug, 2011


thanks sixpence, i grew it from seed last year, this is it's second year, really pleased with it..

5 Aug, 2011


Wow its done really well then from seed, I would be so pleased too

5 Aug, 2011



5 Aug, 2011

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