The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lower garden: phlox and oriental ornament

Lower garden: phlox and oriental ornament

We weren't going to open this summer .... but we've had our arms twisted!

Open garden Sunday 7 August from 10-5. Admission £3 for adults. Note: there are some steps. 26 Buchanan Road, Walsall, West Midlands, WS4 2EN.

Proceeds shared between the Mayor's Charity Appeal and Walsall Citizen's Advice Bureau.

Summer interest: acers, conifers, begonias, perennials, jungle
For directions see:

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Oohh....I love it!!...:>)

1 Aug, 2011


Hi Meadowland
The ornament is from the Henri Studio range. The ornaments are available in various colours. The range is available at various garden centres, but I believe production no longer takes place in the UK, but in the USA. There is an importer in Nottingham who was able to obtain some ornaments for us. If you Google 'Henri Studio' you may be able to make some progress in tracking it.

3 Sep, 2011

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