Peace (Standard Rose)
By Clarice

6 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thanks Yorkshire, fingers crossed the weather doesnot damage it again.
6 Aug, 2011
we have had lots of rain the past few days, rained all morning but dry now, smashed my begonias to pieces
6 Aug, 2011
You know this is my pride and joy in my garden, it usually flowers from around May-June time till the frost start coming, its accually just started to pour it down here.
6 Aug, 2011
forecast is bad for you,
6 Aug, 2011
We get alot of the bad weather here, it comes from the Atlantic and meets up with the irish sea :(((((
6 Aug, 2011
love these roses....
6 Aug, 2011
Thanks Holly, i love them aswell......
6 Aug, 2011
Always a beauty.
7 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bernieh, but today its very wet and abit blustery aswell so think its days are numbered :(((((
7 Aug, 2011
Beautiful colours and a lovely bloom
7 Aug, 2011
Thankyou but no longer on the plant :(
9 Aug, 2011
Dehead another will come :o))
9 Aug, 2011
Wind and rain as taken them :(((
9 Aug, 2011
Thats such a shame perhaps you will get more come when the rain and wind has gone.
9 Aug, 2011
6d this as happened twice this year.:((
9 Aug, 2011
Beautiful rose Clarice. What a shame it was wrecked by the weather. My Peace rose is suffering this year too.
11 Aug, 2011
Gilli tell me about it :((
11 Aug, 2011
Lovely colour Clarice!!!!!
12 Aug, 2011
Cheers Tommy, but the wind and rain as made short work of every rose on the plant :((
12 Aug, 2011
Can't be helped, but pity isn't it?!
12 Aug, 2011
It sure is :(((
12 Aug, 2011
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that's nice Clarice
6 Aug, 2011