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Daylily (Hemerocallis)

No name, but it has the crispate form. This is a rebloomer and there are 3 scapes full of buds.

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17 Aug, 2011


This came from an inexpensive pack of mixed seeds, and I wasn't expecting anything like this. It didn't perform this good earlier this year.

17 Aug, 2011


This is lovely Wylie, did you buy the seed from the lily auctions for this ?

7 Sep, 2011


No, I got this in a mix pack of seeds several years ago - my first efforts at growing daylilies. Then earlier this year it started blooming as a normal flower, but with a striped pattern. Finally, it is reblooming, but as this pinched crespate form on all the scapes! Very confusing.

7 Sep, 2011


Strange that it should change its form and pattern,very nice for a first effort, I had a go a few years ago but before I had so many lovely ones to play about with, all the seedlings were a horrible muddy colour, went in the compost,it maybe would have spurred me on to do a few more if they'd been like this,I should be able to get some good crosses now though.

8 Sep, 2011


I have two growing at the moment that i planted from seed...'gillian' x 'wildflower'...No flowers this year though...:>)

14 Sep, 2011


I have the cross 'Gillian' X 'Mountain Wildflower' that I got this year, and there should be flowers next year. Warmer areas can get flowers in 2 years, while it takes colder areas 3 years.

14 Sep, 2011

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Pictures by wylieintheazores
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