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Our very first tomato plants!

Our very first tomato plants!

It's crazy but we were so very excited when our little tomato seedlings burst into life it's our first time growing them from seed (as it is with most other things this year) and I just dread to think what noise we will make when we get our first can keep your daring sports gardening from seed is excitment enough for us! ;o)

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lol your not alone there, it is exciting seeing them growing.. i grew tomato's from seed this yr, kinda went a bit nuts, i ended up with 81 tomato plants lol. you will be glad to hear they all went to good homes plus i kept a few for myself

13 Jun, 2008


I think your neighbours should get themselfs so ear plugs before your tomatoes appear Hel lol

13 Jun, 2008


I know the feeling! I have my first tiny tomato growing and I keep dragging out any passing family member to see it!

26 Jun, 2008


i've been growing toms for forty years but i still get a buzz when they first germinate

5 Oct, 2008


That's sweet Islander I'm sure I'll never loose the buzz too you should have heard me squeal with delight just the other day harvesting our dwarf french beans I'm sure the people around thought Bob was murdering me!

7 Oct, 2008

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