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Hand Me Down

Hand Me Down

This book has been in my family ever since I was little, and now it's mine. No excuses now...

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OMG iv this Book 2 clueless kev :O its Readers Digest ;)

13 Jun, 2008


I used to have this -lent it out but can't remember who to! Its a good un'.

13 Jun, 2008


Great stuff !!
I always knew there was something about this book when I was little, that's why I've always dropped the hints out over the years and finally ended up with it !
Isn't it great when you see stuff like this ?!

13 Jun, 2008


Yes It's gerat. I have a very old book called " The New Illustrated Gardening Encyclopaedia ". It isn't new any longer. It belonged to my Gran, and my father and my aunite have writen their names on it when they were kids !

13 Jun, 2008


I have a tiny little bound handbook, pocket sized and years old.
Have to post it here.
It's from the 50's I think, lovely little old book, and being an ex-bookbinder, I'm never gonna let it go !! I'll just keep rebinding it to high heaven !
Talk about recycling ?!

13 Jun, 2008


did you nik that from ma?!

I used to love lookin at the pictures in that book. So much, that they were an inspiration for my 'cottage with a beautiful garden' pictures that I created repeatedly, in primary school.I was going to live there, too.
Rose tinted spectacles?

Next time we have a session, you MUST bring it over. Have you got the top of the pops collection from readers digest, too?!

Readers digest~ takes some stick, but it has influenced alot of people. I used to love the words and their meaning. Words I had never come across before and I'd think, WOW! I'm going to use that next time I write something.
watch this space!


13 Jun, 2008


You just stick to your rose tinted specs Sis, cos the book is mine.
(Cue evil laugh -A HARGHHH HarghhHarghhhh)

Anyway, you'd only colour it in (That's how old it is)

13 Jun, 2008


Yes I have the old TOTP box set in mint condition, get the wine in, and we'll be whinin' !

13 Jun, 2008


My Father had a copy of that book too, it seemed to be his gardening Bible. So as soon as I had my first garden I bought my own copy of the book, and I still refer to it occasionally.

17 Jun, 2008


Welcome to the steady growing 'The Gardening Year Appreciation Society'.

This book holds many memories for me as a child, and our huge garden where we used to play...
Your post has brought a twinge to my heart, and a butterfly has been attracted to my stomach too !

I love books, but my new sweetheart is gardening.
We haven't had that first kiss yet, but I guess it'll be worth it when it happens...

17 Jun, 2008


yep, I'm at the fumbling stage- dunno what I'm doing but it feels good

22 Jun, 2008


I've got that one too! I also have the Readers' Digest Encyclopaedia of Plants... it's been so well used over the years that it is VERY tatty! I have to confess that I have now gone over to RHS books, especially the A-Z of plants. This costs an arm and a leg from a bookshop but is often on special offer at Amazon or possibly a 2nd hand copy on E-Bay. The RD books are not gone and not forgotten, they are still useful! Aaaah! Nostalgia! My first garden! That was their heyday.

25 Jun, 2008


I also have a copy of it on my bookshelves
Lynne x

19 Aug, 2008

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