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Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm

Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm)

This Bismarck Palm is finally getting larger. It's been in the ground for more than 12's been growing very slowly because it doesn't get very much water. Photo taken in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Aug. 23, 2011.

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Splendid shaped palm :o)))

26 Aug, 2011


Wonderful shape Andy...

26 Aug, 2011



This palm will eventually become very large and tall. In its native Madagascar it grows to 125ft/38m tall.

27 Aug, 2011


That's very nice indeed!

27 Aug, 2011



Thanks! The two lower fronds need to be cut off...then it would almost be perfect. :>)

28 Aug, 2011

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