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Schefflera arbicola - HUGE Hawaiian Elf Schefflera

Schefflera arbicola - HUGE Hawaiian Elf Schefflera (Schefflera arbicola - Hawaiian Elf Schefflera)

This huge Hawaiian Elf Schefflera is growing a couple of miles from where I live in San Diego, CA. It's one of the largest ones I've ever seen. Photo taken Aug. 29, 2011.

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One in Hayward that size Alex. Far and away the largest. All Green. I have seen the variegated like small patio tree's.
They never bloom.

20 Sep, 2014


This was the largest one I had ever seen up to the time I took this photo. There's actually larger ones around than this. This one does bloom and produces a lot of seed.

What amazes me is how dry the soil is...I always watered the large ones I had in the Bay Area all the time. I never though of this as being a drought tolerant plant.

21 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of species Schefflera arbicola - Hawaiian Elf Schefflera.

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