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First Rose, Adelaide Hoodless, 4yrs old

First Rose, Adelaide Hoodless, 4yrs old (Rosa x 'Adelaide Hoodless Rose')

I love this rose. Growing year by year as well as living through winter. Dark red, although many rusted this year due to the endless evening rains. It is also the name of my niece, so even more a treasure. :-)

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A lovely rose

5 Sep, 2011


That is a very nice colour

5 Sep, 2011


Thank you both. This about its best. I've gotten about 25 of these in a bunch this year. Wonderful performance.

5 Sep, 2011


There is always something extra special about a red rose, does it have a perfume Gt?..

5 Sep, 2011


does it live outside in the winter??

8 Sep, 2011


Agreed about the red Lincs. I love it, but this rose has little smell, but I just smell Thanks. ;-)

Sandra, It does! Three winters now, and bigger each year. I've been dumbstruck, but I love it. I had a hybrid tea return this year, but just quite soon enough. I might dig it up, try it inside.

Thank you Hoembird. I don't have any that match up this first shot.

9 Sep, 2011


im amazed GT....i always love to see whats in your garden. and this one is such a beauty

9 Sep, 2011


Its a canadian series listed for -50F. And it does it well. I still mulch and prune carefully, but I got about 30 buds this year and it grew to three feet to start out. Really a great one for tough areas.

9 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species Rosa x 'Adelaide Hoodless Rose'.

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This photo is of "Rose: adelaide hoodless" in Greenthumb's garden

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