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Heuchera and Heucherella bed its in full sun and they seem to love the postion


By Drc726

Heuchera and Heucherella bed its in full sun and they seem to love the postion (Heucherella)

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5 Sep, 2011


Thanks Franny

5 Sep, 2011


This is lovely :))))

5 Sep, 2011


This is beautiful, Drc! Could you tell me the name of the plant at the very front of your border, the one with slighty different leaves? It's a beauty!

5 Sep, 2011


Wow - lovely display!

5 Sep, 2011


Lovely colour combinations,Denise..and so popular among us now :o)

5 Sep, 2011


Front right is Heucherella 'Sweet Tea', middle is Heuchera Peach Flambe? and front left is Heuchera Obsidian. I have them carefully labelled and have just looked and is definitely 'Peach Flambe' Libet.

5 Sep, 2011


Lovely array!

5 Sep, 2011


Lovely DRC- mine seemed to have grown better in full sun too

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks Pixi.
Thats good to hear Paul, I believe they can get ground heave? This will be their second winter and it didnt happen last year, the advice is to mulch with compost in October so I think I will.

6 Sep, 2011


They look fabulous!

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks Bernieh.

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks ML, I planted them in June 2010, 4 in a huge pot and 6 in a bed. This year I made a new bed and replanted all of them at the beginning of August.

6 Sep, 2011



6 Sep, 2011


Thanks Motinot

6 Sep, 2011


Thank you for going to all that trouble, Drc, I must say that is the nicest 'Peach Flambé' I've ever seen!

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks again Libet and your welcome

7 Sep, 2011



7 Sep, 2011


Your welcome HB, the reason I replanted them in August was to get their roots established in their new bed as transplanting them in the autumn/winter increases the risk of ground heave.

8 Sep, 2011


What a gorgeous display! I have tried in vain to import and grow heucheras, but I think it's just too hot and dry for them here. Also, we have a chalky soil: would that make a difference?

18 Sep, 2011


Hi Gattina, they do like a fertile, moist, well-drained soil, I replace my heavy clay with grit and compost. The darker the colour the more sun they may tolerate? These are in full sun and have done really well - but we have had very little sun this year to test them.
You could try replacing the chalk with a deep bed of moist fertile, soil/compost but they would need some shade and quite lot of water I would guess?
I line a trench with newspaper when I want to retain moisture (as for runner beans) or you could try some water retaining gel in the compost when you plant them?

18 Sep, 2011


Thanks, Drc726 - maybe I shall try getting some more heuchera plants when next in the UK and confine the poor things to tubs. Our local mountain is made of blue/grey cement clay. I have a feeling that no amount of compost/well rotted manure would make a sufficient difference in an open bed. Believe me, we have been digging large amounts of the stuff in for the past few years. Are you poor souls back in the UK still getting hosepipe bans? It has just in the past 30 minutes started raining for the first time here in 2 months, and in that time the temperature has rarely fallen below 30c, but there is never a question of not being allowed to water anything.

18 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species Heucherella.

This photo is of "Heucherella Sweet Tea" in Drc726's garden

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