Caryota mitis - Clustering Fishtail Palm
By Delonix1
- 6 Sep, 2011
This Fishtail palm was growing happily at the County Building in downtown San Diego, CA. Photo taken on the Labor Day holiday, Sept. 5, 2011.
Comments on this photo
That's a decent sized specimen.
6 Sep, 2011
Thanks! :>)
7 Sep, 2011
The San Diego County building was built in 1926. Many of the trees are mature.
7 Sep, 2011
That's huge for California. Needs some feeding though to get back the green.
Also,when the stalk blooms,it dies..and then you have to wait for the next largest to grow. That's MUCH better then other Fishtails that can grow for up to 20 years,flower..and then die. They are not long lived to say the least.
19 Sep, 2014
Yes, it's a heavy feeder. Fishtails palms are very popular here and they grow very large. The only thing is once they die taking them out is a real pain.
There's several beautiful, 60' tall Caryota urens growing in a big apt. complex around the corner from where I live. The fishtails haven't started blooming yet. I'm guessing in a few years they will start.
22 Sep, 2014
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I like that..........
6 Sep, 2011