Dry Creek Bed - year two
By Tmbell

7 Sep, 2011
July 2011. This creek bed is approx. 60 feet long. We used two yards of pea gravel - $140.00 and a couple loads of small, medium and large rocks we picked - free. We also used three rolls of landscaping fabric - $30. The creek bed is from a couple feet wide to five feet wide; a few inches deep to a foot deep. We still have a bridge to make.
Comments on this photo
Yes, we are planning to start our plant beds along the edges of our dry creek bed next year. And the bridge hopefully will get built next year as well. I love the idea of planting ferns under the bridge.
The only part I'm not looking forward too is the weeping willow trees that hang over the creek bed. They make such a mess in the spring time with their seed fluff.
10 Sep, 2011
That's true, but what a bonus to have the Willow, all adds I think to the authenticity...:)))
I think you'll like the ferns under the bridge and they get big too...can't wait to see how it progresses...
I know I've got photos in one of our old Portfolios, but I'd have to scan I think to be able to post one...I'll see what I can do...Course I'm long retired now, so I don't know what it looks like all these years down the line...should be more than well established...
10 Sep, 2011
what a great idea...I have one too..but it's supposed to have water in it! :-( Been very dry here over the last month or so. terrific idea and it will become more lovely as the years progress.
20 Sep, 2011
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Looking good...OH and I made one of these, we call a Dry River bed, for one of our Customers, about 12years ago; looks very effective, are you planting anything on the edges, we also had a friend and colleague make the rustic bridge, under which we planted Ferns etc, and bergenia...these Dry Creek beds have a stunning effect...running through or around the garden...Good luck..
8 Sep, 2011