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Verbena bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis  (Verbena bonariensis)

A plant I will never be without.

Comments on this photo


Wow, P! Is that your garden? What a beautiful place! :))

8 Sep, 2011


I can see why ~ what a lovely statement plant

I was going to ask the same as Karen.

8 Sep, 2011


I have the south end of an old walled garden and live in the old gardeners cottage will post a few pics of the whole garden sometime :o)

8 Sep, 2011


i am very jealous!! i would love a walled garden. and you got the south end ~ with a cottage!!! you must have been very good!!!

would love to see the pictures please!!

8 Sep, 2011


Will see what I can find :)

8 Sep, 2011


thank you! btw my mum comes from norfolk, not far from Kings Lynn!!

8 Sep, 2011


Yes, please P...that looks idyllic...feel same as! :)))

8 Sep, 2011


I love this plant too P. It has really come into vogue in the last two years, before that I couldnt find it anywhere. I managed to get 6 plants from seed this year, worthwhile as I think they look much better en masse. It was a favourite of the late Christopher Lloyd, who famously underplanted them with bright red bishop llanduf dahlias - lovely! I too would love to see more pictures of your garden, it looks idyllic.

8 Sep, 2011


this particular verbena is darker ~ its very attractive!

8 Sep, 2011


Lovely colour!

8 Sep, 2011


Thanks all, I will post a few pics of the garden last year :o)

8 Sep, 2011


Bear with me, P! There is the question of the tiger cub to sort out, first! :))))

8 Sep, 2011


may have missed those ~ have been a member for just less than a year.

8 Sep, 2011


sorry sticky I phrased that badly I meant the photos I have posted were of the garden last year! :)

8 Sep, 2011


dont worry!! its a very lovely garden, i certainly envy that beautiful wall ... and all those lovely plants.

8 Sep, 2011


I wouldnt be without V.B either P....It is so light and airy, it can be planted anywhere in the border, cant it?...Wonderful clump you have there...:>)

8 Sep, 2011


Incredible!!! Nice to see shots like this from a distance as well.

8 Sep, 2011


Thank you, have grown V.bonariensis for about 15 years it selfseeds everywhere and they overwinter as well so I just weed a path through! :o)

10 Sep, 2011


What a beautiful plant. I'm glad you put a full name to it, as I haven't seen this grown where I live in New Zealand, so will now be able to go online to some of the nurseries & see if they are selling it.

13 Sep, 2011


If you can't find the plants it grows really easily from seed. :o)

14 Sep, 2011

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