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From Upper Right to Left: Jatropha gossypifolia, Pachystachys lutea (Golden Shrimp), Carica papaya 'Maradol', and Spathodea campanulata (African Tulip Tree)

From Upper Right to Left:  Jatropha gossypifolia, Pachystachys lutea (Golden Shrimp), Carica papaya 'Maradol', and Spathodea campanulata (African Tulip Tree) (Tulip golden african lutea shrimp Spathodea campanulata Carica papaya jatropha gossypifolia maradol Pachystachys)

This is one the side of the house. Photo taken August 24, 2011. There's also Crossandra infundibuliformis (Firecracker flower) and Sugar Cane planted in the is area.

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They would look good in my garden!

11 Sep, 2011


Give it a go, my dear Watson! lol! :>)

I think you would particularly love the sugar cane! (which isn't pictured here).

13 Sep, 2011


It would be futile!!!!!!!

13 Sep, 2011



Yes, the 4 plants you're looking at this photo would melt at just a hint of frost.

13 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species Tulip golden african lutea shrimp Spathodea campanulata Carica papaya jatropha gossypifolia maradol Pachystachys.

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