Other side of driveway.
By Dwyllis

15 Sep, 2011
This is a shot taken up the driveway towards the garage, showing the area along this side of the house .... another lush border of .... yes, you guess it .... agapanthus!! I am very tempted to call this house "Agapanthus House" which would become Aggie for short! Ideally, I would like to turn this entire area into a herbaceous border ..... would require a lot of digging & topsoil & compost ... but I think it would look gorgeous. Any ideas out there .... from anybody????
Comments on this photo
I agree about the herbaceous border, think that would look lovely. I have struggled to get one 'Aggie' growing and look at all of yours!
15 Sep, 2011
I`m envious as well, I lost my huge one last winter, luckily a small one has come back in the garden,which I am treasuring and protecting this year....
15 Sep, 2011
Thanks Annella & Lincslass re the 'Aggies'. They grow like weeds in NZ ... well in the North Island anyway, not sure about the South Island, as it can get mighty cold down there in the winter ... the lower you go, the colder it gets, as closer to the Antarctic. We don't really get bad frosts here & winter's are relatively mild. Wish I could send some 'Aggies' to you both, as I have plenty to spare & share.
15 Sep, 2011
I wish aggies grew like weeds in my garden, I love them and mine havnt flowered for two years now! I wouldnt lose all of these Dwyllis keep one big clump and then plant others flowers along side of the aggies. Maybe sell some of your aggies to raise cash for the many plants that you are going to need.
16 Sep, 2011
Good luck with your work ahead you certainly have plenty of ground to exercise yourself. You may need rather a lot of plants. Good luck to you.
16 Sep, 2011
Lots of ways you can develop that border, any ideas yet?
16 Sep, 2011
Good luck with your Border, you have a good start there with the Aggis...I too have had had problems with my one and only White...so it's now planted in a big planter...
17 Sep, 2011
I actually love the white one, & intend to put some in. We also have a small blue one with a white sort of stripe through it ... much more dainty than these big ones of mine. I saw it in a garden centre I visited yesterday, & almost bought it, but came away with an azalea, a Kaka Beak & a lobelia instead.
17 Sep, 2011
To Theoldgunner .... beginning to gather some ideas. I've had some suggestions from other gardeners on here, & also have been looking around the garden centres to see what I might like. We are working on a new fenceline border in the side area (not the driveway side), & just popped some plants into that border this morning, so will take a pic on my day off, Monday, & put it up. I like the idea of some of the perrenials, such as lupins, foxgloves, aquilegia, etc, but will also need a few smallish shrubs for the back, I think.
17 Sep, 2011
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This area doesn't look very big in the photo, but it actually runs from the front of the property& along the length of the house.
15 Sep, 2011