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cary on the cottage step

cary on the cottage step

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Awww .... that's a lovely shot ... both of the flowers & the cat. Is Cary a himalyan colourpoint persian? hard to tell, as I can't see the face. Must look for a pic of my bengal girls to put up. Is that a miniature petunia in the pot?

19 Sep, 2011


She looks like a Ragdoll, they've got that appearance.

Noah, you've some lovely cats.

I was under the impression, from other members in your part of the world, that folks don't let their cats outside - predators on your land being the reason ...... your pictures clearly show your cats being outside confuses me ..... do most folks there keep their cats indoors ?

19 Sep, 2011


Of course .... she does look like a Ragdoll Louise ... the face is not flat like it would be if she was a Himalyan Colourpoint. When I visited my sons in Michigan this year, both of them had their cats indoors totally. I think one of the main reasons cats remain as indoor pets is that a great many of them have been declawed, so as not to shred up the furniture. So they cannot be allowed outdoors, as they have no claws to protect themselves .... I am guessing that is why it is. I have two bengal girls as totally indoor cats (not declawed as that is illegal in NZ & I wouldn't do it). I keep them indoors only due to my 11 month old bengal boy being stolen three years ago. Up until then, they were all allowed to frolic in the great outdoors, but I was so heartbroken about it, that we made the decision to keep them indoors. My domestic girl comes & goes as she pleases. Sad for my bengal girls, but they would only get stolen if I let them wander about, as I used to.

20 Sep, 2011


The bengals are such gorgeous cats, Dwyllis.

20 Sep, 2011


What a beauty.))

23 Sep, 2011


i thank you and cary thanks you for the compliments! i was told that he was a long-haired siamese; but really don't know. all my kitties are stray and rescues, so don't have much info about them. yes, a lot of people do keep their cats in; there are definitely predators. but, i just could not bear it...for me, it may be as nice as i can make it, but it's still a prison. all the cats i have came to me as strays who were used to being outside and because i have so many (18-20 right now), i have just not been able to make the transition. everyone but me seems to have cats who get along with each other; but mine are stinkers and all want their own space or they fight and carry on. they all love the garden and most spend all their time there. we have the entire garden enclosed and gated; but of course, being cats and curious, some do venture out of bounds and there is occasionally a sad loss... it has been a difficult issue for me...

5 Oct, 2011


Yes, we have 7 cats at the moment and I am angry as they usually prevent me to use herbs which I have plenty in my sunny corner.
Anyway, I like VERY MUCH how you arranged the colours of flowers, pot and doors. Great!

5 Oct, 2011


Lovely cat, I've got one of them and his name is Alfie., it's a ragdoll ....

20 Oct, 2011


calibrichoa or million bells, i think...

23 Oct, 2011

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