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Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger

Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger (Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger)

This area has many Spiral Gingers. I wish I could get mine to grow this well. lol! :>) Photo taken Sept. 15, 2011 in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA.

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I wish that I could get my Hedychium to grow at all - planted in April it now stands 50mm tall!

19 Sep, 2011



Is it in a pot? Which species of Hedychium is it?

Typically (my experience), most species of Hedychium will not grow very tall in pots and is difficult to get to bloom.

Hedychium is very different from Costus, which is much more tropical.

20 Sep, 2011


I think that is why the Costus is all but impossible to get over here.
To be fair, the tuber was given to me at the local garden centre as it was rather shrivelled. It is now nice and plump, so I'll keep it green over the winter before planting on in the spring. It's H.gardenarianium.

20 Sep, 2011


You have the Kahili Ginger. I like that one...I see several in my neighborhood. I know the roots are suppose to be pretty hardy (don't know if it's hardy in your climate, though). It would be one of the best ones to grow in your climate (if it grows) because it blooms during summer. Most of the others bloom in Fall...when temps may be too cool in your climate.

20 Sep, 2011


Not hardy enough for the UK over the last couple of winters!
I think that it was just putting its energy into the tuber - I've had a poke around and have a nice plump one now.

20 Sep, 2011



That's great! The tubers can run and multiply very quickly producing a large plant (in the ground).

I've read the rhizomes, which sit on the top of the soil can be protected by heavy mulching. I don't think unprotected, the surface rhizomes would survive temps much below freezing.

20 Sep, 2011


I just re-read my last post - it reads very badly!!!!!!!

The big freeze went down a few inches last year.

20 Sep, 2011



I was going to make a comment; however, I refrained. LOL! :>)

20 Sep, 2011


lol lol lol.........

22 Sep, 2011



No instigating! I know what you were thinking. LOL! :>)

23 Sep, 2011



23 Sep, 2011


Got a plump foot too now - I dropped a lump of wall on it this afternoon!

23 Sep, 2011


That's awful! Hope your foot gets better soon!

25 Sep, 2011


Me too!!! :o)))))

30 Sep, 2011


A week later and it's still tender!

1 Oct, 2011


Awww! Hope it gets back to normal soon!

2 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of species Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger.

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