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Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' - Sensation Peace Lily Flower

Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' -  Sensation Peace Lily Flower (Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' -  Sensation Peace Lily)

My Sensation Peace Lily planted in the ground by the front door has finally started to bloom. It typically begins blooming in early spring. Photo taken first day of Autumn, Sept. 23, 2011.

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Sue has a huge one in the living room - it's so big we can't give it away!

25 Sep, 2011


Why would you want to give it away?

25 Sep, 2011


Too damn big Alex!!!!!!!!

25 Sep, 2011



If you weren't so far away...I would take it and plant it somewhere in my front yard. :>)

You can actually cut the plant into several plants...then you'll have more manageable size plants.

25 Sep, 2011


It has been sawn into many pieces over the years!

26 Sep, 2011


Well, you can always send it to would look great in the ground next my plant (above) in the front yard. lol! :>)

26 Sep, 2011


Imagine the postage on that!

26 Sep, 2011


It definitely would be worth more than the plant.

26 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' - Sensation Peace Lily.

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