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"Rose countess" statue or Queen of Wands

"Rose countess" statue or Queen of Wands

Dedicated to a woman who breeded roses and founded the largest rosarium in the Central Europe. It was destroyed, her manor house and she herself one night robbed and her statue, symbolizing the Queen of Wands, was "executed" by mob. She never recovered from the shock when people whom she had supported, pulled her necklace from her neck and thrown her down the stairs. She died one year later.
Want to know more about this famous breeder of roses, readon the link:

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How interesting Katarina. I'm going off to read the link. Thanks for posting this, I've never heard of her before. Her story sounds tragic.

29 Sep, 2011


I love the little cat at her feet. I just read the wikipedia link you gave us. So interesting. Poor lady.

8 Oct, 2011


That cat at her feet is important part of symbols in the tarot card called The Queen of Wands. There was also a a small lion at the back, but was destroyed.
At the moment I joined the Rose society in Dolna Krupa which started to collect money for renewal of rose collections which once was there. By the way, if you look on another of my pics, called Dolna Krupa manor house, you will see the park and manor house. Here lived Beethoven as well, for almost 5 yrs with short interruptions, because he fell in love with the countess and the family supported him when he started to loose hearing. Here was composed the Moonlight sonata, too.

8 Oct, 2011


Just yesterday I have got information from castellan in Dolna Krupa, that this week came for a short visit from London the granddaughter of the countess. She visited the castle in 1947 for the last time. She is very old lady now and was very moved by visiting all the places where she played as a child.
Will give you more information this week on my blog.

13 Oct, 2011


So no, I was told today, that person carved into marble is unknown. Head is missing. Anyway, must be somebody from the Chotek family.

13 Oct, 2011

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