Large orange dahlia ( Sunburst ?)
By Inverglen

30 Sep, 2011
Didn't have a name for it so tried looking it up. Sunburst is the nearest I could find. Develops white tips on the inner petals.
Comments on this photo
This one took forever for the buds to open. The last dahlia to flower by many many weeks and now loads of flowers like this . Thanks Stickitoffee.
30 Sep, 2011
oh i thought this was from the experimental garden ~ how fantastic to have this in your garden. i have a couple of dahlias ~ they have been ok in this garden so i think i could risk more!!?? possibly my favourite flower, is there anything in particular they like?
30 Sep, 2011
I give mine nothing special but just make sure they get well watered throughout the year.
I usually lift mine when the frosts get to them and finish them off, dry off the tubers and clean them up and store the tubers wrapped in newspaper in boxes in the garage and then give them a good start with a hole full of compost and some blood fish and bone the following year. And then just let them get on with it.
Some say a feed of Tomorite does them good but mine seem to do just great with regular watering only.
Can send you a few bits of tubers later in the year if you wish.
30 Sep, 2011
thank you for that ~ i shall save that bit of info and use it!
do they like sun when they are in the garden ~ my garden is shady and im sad to see that already in september i only now get a few hours of sun in the back garden and then only in part.
30 Sep, 2011
They dont mind part-shade. I have a bed of red Bishop of Llandaff partly under a tall prunus and they are doing very well.
The Aylett Nursery in my blog has what they call the Aylett Recipe for successful growing of dahlias so ask Google for Aylett Recipe and its a good clear page of guidelines.
30 Sep, 2011
I couldn't have put it better myself
If they can be planted where they could get a couple of hours morning sun, that would be beneficial too Sticki..:>)
30 Sep, 2011
Thanks inverglen, I shall do that.
Thank you also motinot, no morning sun in the back garden sadly - well none from September to march!
30 Sep, 2011
But that would still give you many months with some sunshine and if it were me I would definitely give it a go.
In my north facing garden the most successful dahlia this year is the one nearest the house and with more shade than all the others.
It's the Garden Festival one in my pictures.
30 Sep, 2011
that is the best news i have heard all day ~ thanks inverglen.
30 Sep, 2011
And P.S.
Dont forget the slug pellets regularly especially when they are young.
30 Sep, 2011
already spreading those! never seem to stop!
30 Sep, 2011
Hi Inverglen, very similar to the one I had last year, think mine was darker orange and plain without the white. Whatever it's name, it's a real beauty!....:o)
1 Oct, 2011
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Aren't they amazing. Reminds me of hot sunshine.
30 Sep, 2011