Excuse me?
By Gattina

10 Oct, 2011
Absolutely nothing to do with gardens, but I thought this notice from our local laundrette might brighten a grey Monday morning. The word "Capo" means either a garment, or the boss - e.g. "Il capo mafioso" I think I see where they've gone wrong.........
Comments on this photo
whatever it is you cant wash it!!!!!!!!!!!
10 Oct, 2011
its a stuffed toy or teddybear!!!!!!????
10 Oct, 2011
Yeah, it means "Cuddly toy": Well done, Sticki! I couldn't understand why they felt they had to have an English version of this notice anyway, it's not exactly in a tourist area, and we must be the only English for miles. It's sometimes easier to get the meaning from the original Italian than it is trying to figure out what they're trying to say in English. I suppose if I think of the term - "capo di casa" (head of the household) which is what the town hall insists on calling my OH (despite the fact that the house is in my name and he speaks virtually no Italian), it begins to make a little sense.
10 Oct, 2011
Thank you,Sticki,my bi lingual friend ! Lol...I will now teach my Grandson the name of my daughters old Peluche,
which has always been known as Rainbow Ted,...a multi coloured one,who is in touch with his feminine side.:o)...chosen by her in Whitby,many years ago Lol.
10 Oct, 2011
i googled it ~ i cant do languages!!!
10 Oct, 2011
You have just spoiled the image,Sticki..why are you so honest ? Lol.
10 Oct, 2011
i would really hate you to think i was something that i wasnt!!!
10 Oct, 2011
Would I ever do that,Sticki?..no way...just joking,but you knew that,didn't you ? L:o)
10 Oct, 2011
the only hard thing about emails, text and blogging is that you cant see the grin or the twinkle in people's eyes!!!
10 Oct, 2011
Not probably,Sticki..definitely. !!. :o)
11 Oct, 2011
Second time I read it I could see you smiling as you wrote it!
I just have to be honest!
11 Oct, 2011
We would expect nothing less of you, Sticki.
11 Oct, 2011
of course! thank you gattina!!!!
11 Oct, 2011
Good,Sticki..second time around is often best...! :o)
11 Oct, 2011
11 Oct, 2011
And there's me thinking ,what how clever you are Stickie , but you are in a way because I wouldn't have thought of looking it up. And why must you have to put your head in Gattina ,lol.
11 Oct, 2011
to wash your hair Rose????????????? i didnt google that one!!!!
11 Oct, 2011
Oh, Rose, convoluted answer coming up: The Italian word capo means "head" as in the head of a company, or a boss, NOT the head on your shoulders, which is "testa", and it ALSO means "garment" or "piece of laundry". They've obviously done a Bloomer and looked up the latter on Google, which gave them the wrong meaning. Have I explained that properly? Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. It SHOULD be written:
"Open the washing machine and put the garments in. Close the door and choose the programme. Put the coins in and press the start button. When the display reads "0", open the door and take the clothes out"
I know, clear as mud. Sorry!
11 Oct, 2011
you could offer to be the local translator gattina!!
11 Oct, 2011
Nah! I believe it to be a hair-washing instrument! Can't be worse than my 'peluqueria' who knocks my 'cabeza' around with her knuckles and I come out looking smart, but bruised! ;o)
17 Oct, 2011
Surprisingly enough, Sticki, they seem to get deeply offended when I offer my services, so I've stopped. Anyway, why spoil my fun?
OOhh, Nariz, that sounds painful - isn't there anyone else you could go to, or is it supposed to be energetic and therapeutic massage?
20 Oct, 2011
As is always the way with hairdressers - you find a magnificent one and they go off and get married or get pregnant and you have to seek out another one! I found this one after one married and moved away but having suffered several disasters between times I'm inclined to put up with the head-shoving to get a fantastic 'wash-and-wear' cut and the priviledge of just 'popping in' when I'm in town, rather than make an appointment. Swings and roundabouts! :o)
21 Oct, 2011
Fantastic blog and as a huge bonus I have had a great giggle at all the comments. Wonderful, wonderful GOY and Goyers.
Going to bed now feeling happy. Thanks all...
1 Nov, 2011
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Oh this made me smile,Gattina.!..I also like 'It use the education '.yeh,right ! do we need to know what Peluche is ? There doesn't seem to be an English translation for it.:o)
10 Oct, 2011