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Polymancave 5 - and yet more passion

Polymancave 5 - and yet more passion

Obviously October and November are agreeing with this plant, and my polytunnel : )

Comments on this photo


i like this sideways shot.

3 Nov, 2011


so many good shots this plant is giving its difficult to know which one to put on.
How about a blog??

3 Nov, 2011


im sure you could manage a blog!! would you call that passion-ate blogging? no sunsets in this one though ~ more like cloudbursts here.

3 Nov, 2011


blog on, blogtastic today : )

3 Nov, 2011


you are on a roll!!

they are beautiful pictures ~ and plants ~ i want both of them now!!!
will have to be extra good for christmas or work longer hours.

3 Nov, 2011


I seem to remember the shishi was at half price at about a tenner and to be honest with something like a passion flower why not buy it as small and cheap as poss, (eg morrisons did some PFs in the £1.79 range) and grow them on in good conditions if pos

3 Nov, 2011


yes thats a good idea ~ quite happy to start with a smaller one and watch it grow. i shall look out for them. there are several morrisons round here but they only have a shelf full of plants.

3 Nov, 2011


yeah they dont always have a shelf full, depends on the branch but if you get a good one there's always 3or4 things you'll want

3 Nov, 2011


how true! and not just in morrisons!!! bit like buses ~ you wait ages then 3 come along!

3 Nov, 2011


This is a cracking Passion flower!
Mine is still blooming away outdoors too.

3 Nov, 2011


This is getting stoopid! I posted the comment above, not Iciar!

3 Nov, 2011


How weird meanie! Has that happened before?

3 Nov, 2011


Several times. Then "the boys" seemed to have sorted it, but it started happening again this week - seems to do it in bursts.

3 Nov, 2011


Its this pic, makes even computers emotional ; 0

3 Nov, 2011


i dont think its ever happened to me?? but then you have been a member longer than i have

3 Nov, 2011


She really likes it there:)

4 Nov, 2011

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View photos by Stevietheterrible

This photo is of "PolyTunnel/Mancave 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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