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By Motinot

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We took this little fellow home this evening...He is one of a litter of six whos mother was run over when he was 1 week old...the owner raised them by hand and they all survived, now 8 weeks old...He is so cute and at this moment is snuggled up in his warm bed fast asleep....
He looks a lot like Jodi, who died 4 weeks ago, but that is coincidence....Though we will never forget lovely Jodi...I love this little puppy already ...:>)

4 Nov, 2011


One lucky Puppy, Looks like a happy life ahead for him/her.

5 Nov, 2011


What a little sweetie.

5 Nov, 2011


You will never forget Jodi Motinot but this cute little one will help to fill the space :o))

5 Nov, 2011


What a cute little fellow he is, agree you will never forget Jodi, as she will always live on in your mind.

5 Nov, 2011


Thank you all, so much...xx

5 Nov, 2011


Aah Mot, he is gorgeous

5 Nov, 2011


He is Sheilar....Now for the toilet training....I cant remember how we did it with Jodi....

6 Nov, 2011


A lot of patience me thinks! lol

6 Nov, 2011


Too cute.

6 Nov, 2011



7 Nov, 2011


And have I missed his name Motinot?

He is a very lucky little boy....."Not a puppy" I recall. Bet jodi is wagging her tail.

9 Nov, 2011


sorry i missed this, he is absolutely gorgeous.

10 Nov, 2011


Pimpernel his name is Charley...Sticki, he is gorgeous indeed very well behaved (so far)...:>)

11 Nov, 2011


Charley is just so sweet ... :o)))

11 Nov, 2011


Thanks Shirley...I love him to bits...He follows me everywhere...If i sit down he curls up under my feet and if i move, say to the computer, he follows and curls up again....Think he has a foot>)

11 Nov, 2011


Motty, my OH would love us to have a dog ... I shall have to weigh up the pros and cons before too long ... don't think Megan would be too happy though ... lol!

11 Nov, 2011


Nali isnt one bit pleased and the puppy just bounces over to him and then the paw is swiping...puppy is looking all bewildered, but doesnt seem to be taking the hint...I wouldnt like the cat to hurt him....hope things get better, when Jodi was here, she ruled....:>)

11 Nov, 2011


Ooh Charley, you are a little beauty! Lottie sends lots of whoofs....:o))

13 Nov, 2011


Don't worry Motinot...This is the way forward, I never knew you had a cat....Charlie will be trained. I want to see the picture where they snuggle up to each will happen.

13 Nov, 2011


Thanks janey...Thank you Pimpernel, Nali, our cat is 18 months and very quiet and tame...he is lovely, i will def post of pic of them together.... if it

14 Nov, 2011

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