By Rosalieg

16 Jun, 2008
Of the 50 bulbs I planted in the fall, only one plant came up and that one had a deformed flower.
Comments on this photo
Oh dear. Mine did better this year. The ones planted last year mostly came, plus the ones planted in 2006 which did not appear last year, so that was a nice surprise. Maybe more of yours will come next year!!
16 Jun, 2008
Hmmm... should I resist temptation then, and not dig in the area to see if they rotted away?
16 Jun, 2008
Might be worth leaving them for another year. I guess your winter could have frozen them. We had down to -15 C here last winter.
16 Jun, 2008
It was quite cold this past winter, but we had a LOT of snow, which is supposed to be good insulation. That was the last spot to melt on the entire property. I'll try to avoid having a look and will cross my fingers that they come up next year. Thanks!
16 Jun, 2008
What a shame - I bet you were looking forward to them, too.
16 Jun, 2008
I was... my parents have these, and though their garden has been forgotten for several years now, these bulbs still come up.
Not all the bulbs I planted did as well as I had hoped. Only one of the 11 double snowdrops bloomed, but this was more dissappointing. I guess I can't expect everything to grow perfectly, and will hope next year is better.
16 Jun, 2008
Snowdrops are notoriously difficult to grow from bulbs, so I have been told. It is better to buy them as plants. I planted about 20 bulbs over the past 2 years and last winter 3 of them appeared in my garden. Most other bulbs do well.
17 Jun, 2008
Good to know.. The plants came up but the blooms didn't.. maybe next year. Maybe our winter was a little harsher than they're used to. I've never seen them sold as plants here. Most bulbs aren't sold that way here, except some forced tulips and daffodils.
I won't be discouraged though.. will try new bulbs this fall.
17 Jun, 2008
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16 Jun, 2008