
8 Nov, 2011
Remember my Wallflower Jungle, well had to fell some of them and discovered this little gem hidden near a old hedgehog's nest. Took the picture yesterday evening 07/11/11
Comments on this photo
Yes Sheilar
My wife and I thought the wall flowers needed thinning for me to make room for some spring bulbs. These were about a foot away from where I found those poor dead baby hedge hogs and to be in flower. Fantastic.
8 Nov, 2011
That azalea is blooming bonkers. Never known them to be in bud at this time of year.
9 Nov, 2011
Hello Frybo, is it the funny weather or because it's been living completely hidden from light,?
Thanks for likes
9 Nov, 2011
I'm not sure what the reason is Tommy - maybe someone else on here will know. It looks very healthy though, so the growing conditions must have been to its liking.
10 Nov, 2011
Just wonder how much longer it will bloom Frybo
10 Nov, 2011
Just enjoy it while it lasts.
10 Nov, 2011
Certainly will.
10 Nov, 2011
What a terrific picture and just at the right moment!
12 Nov, 2011
Thank you Ms Wells so nice of you to comment.
The Azalia is still blooming . The pictures on your site are pretty impressive too
12 Nov, 2011
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Wow - what a find!
8 Nov, 2011