The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Spider Spinning


By N3tyy

Spider Spinning

Nice to see I'm not the only one working hard in the garden :o)

Comments on this photo


Interesting pic :o)

14 Nov, 2011


Cute I thought Terra !!! :o)

14 Nov, 2011


great photo!!!

14 Nov, 2011


Thanks. I love the big spiders at this time of year. Not too keen on the web that is so strong and 'in your face' when going into the garden :o)

14 Nov, 2011


yes my thoughts exactly - I hate house spiders and those big brown ones though

14 Nov, 2011


I love spiders - they're amazing!

14 Nov, 2011


They are Sheilar. The family think I am crazy,but how incredible are their webs :o)

14 Nov, 2011


I love garden spiders - I can hold one of these too :))))

14 Nov, 2011


HOLD !!! EEEk. Love looking but that's the limit :o)))))

14 Nov, 2011


A good photo N3.. I don't mind spiders but I don't like the webs grabbing you in the garden especially across your face and head you'r never sure if you have a spider clinging on somewhere !

14 Nov, 2011


Thank you Amy. I hate it, having said that I do laugh every time my husband walks out into the garden with hands waving about like crazy, calling the spiders some rather choice names :o) and yes I always wonder if there is one in my hair Yuk !!!! The strength of the webs always surprises me too.

14 Nov, 2011


ever had it when you catch a strand on your hand and the spider's running up it fast to your hand and you kind of panic ? It must look hilarious to watch. Like when a big house spider ran across the floor and I was dancing about around it :D

14 Nov, 2011


Yes Paul I have !! and Nr.. I usually walk between the shrubs with a stick in front of my waving it from side to side .. also we had a very big Spider that lived in our front room under the TV we called it Fred , he came out every evening at about 9pm he was happy until our old dog spotted it and then poor Fred was no more :o(

14 Nov, 2011


Fred lol :))))))))- I am well feared of them - I used to have night terrors of spiders being dreaming one was crawling over me - so put light on to search for it realising it was a dream - my hamster ate one once!

14 Nov, 2011


LOL ... I believe there's a story book for children about a spider who was a ballerina , it's supposed to help children to like spiders perhaps you should look out for it Paul : o) sorry it's no joke if you have a real fear !

14 Nov, 2011


lol yes that would be very funny - me sitting reading it :DDD :))))))))))))))))))))))))

14 Nov, 2011


I have a spider that lives under the TV too !! Not named him yet. He comes out about 11pm and Tyler (the dog) shuffles across the floor following it until it disappears :o). Apparently Paul we swallow around 78 spiders in our life(sleep)time :o))))))))) HaHa get on Amazon for that book :o)

14 Nov, 2011


Yes I read about the earting them errrrgh - as house spiders are carnivorous and come out at night they probably feast on our dead skin yuk - will search the book :D

15 Nov, 2011


You never know Paul you might get to like them and think they are cute !
That's horrible N3. I shall tape my mouth up before going to bed in future :o( Yuk !

15 Nov, 2011


I like garden spiders - I like spiders that do webs I dislike ones that do cobwebs

15 Nov, 2011


I know Amy. Heard that on TV a while ago and really didn't want to go to sleep that night !! :o/

I am a little confused now Paul?? Webs/Cobwebs???. Seems we feast on them more like :o)

15 Nov, 2011


Are webs and cobwebs not the same then?

15 Nov, 2011


cobwebs i mean as scruffy ones in corners - sorry for wrong wording there :d

15 Nov, 2011


Forgiven :o)))))

15 Nov, 2011


:))))))))))))))) I do say silly things sometimes lol

15 Nov, 2011



15 Nov, 2011


Yoou will have to take Amy's advice,Paul..keep your mouth shut ! Lol.:o)))))))))) a nice way,of course...ha ha.
I like Spiders too....:o)

15 Nov, 2011



16 Nov, 2011


I saw a spider in my back porch today, and guess what , I instantly shut my mouth LOL...

16 Nov, 2011


Glad to see you are following your own advice,Amy ! Lol.

16 Nov, 2011


Lol Still thinking tape for bedtime. But not sure which is worse - swallowing a huge house spider OR suffocating !!! ? :0))))).

16 Nov, 2011


Now that takes some thinking about N3... what a choice !!!!!!!

16 Nov, 2011


:o))))) A conundrum me thinks lol....

17 Nov, 2011


Great pic!

23 Nov, 2011


Thanks Pixi. I love spiders, except when they are in your face, literally !!! :o)))

23 Nov, 2011


Yeah me too lol

23 Nov, 2011

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