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Extensive Xmas decorations - WI Best in village award 2011

Extensive Xmas decorations - WI Best in village award 2011

Ok not sure, maybe this should a full blog as it contains alot of useful Xmas tips.
Well yesterday I decided to devote a large part of the day to my scheduled of decorations.
I remember that some gave me a free old Xmas wreath last year that the shop was going to throw out.
I discovered it on the shelf approx 20inches from were it had been displayed last year (looking dusty and burnt out)
So this year I decided to go ALL out and shame you all, so apologies if this puts all your festivities in the shade.
so my extensive Xmas decorating schedule for the whole day went something like this....
Walk to shelf = 5
(inspiration to hang in different location as a special surprise) = 1
walk to central bay doors =extra 5
open doors = 10
(notice the string still attached from last year, genius how could I have know)
chuck over door (in the style of slapping someone with a wet fish)= 2
loop on inside handle in relaxed manner (dont push it, dont want to burn out) = 2
close door and lock (security for expensive decoration is paramount) = 10
go outside and utter the word 'yep' = 15

total = 50 seconds
Ok so for the amateur Xmas decorator to be fair this may take about a minute and a half but I'm quite professional at this

so Happy Xmas everyone ; )
Frankincense, Mere and Chutney to you all

Comments on this photo


how did i ever manage without these wonderful instructions ~ now i know how to do christmas ~ perfectly.

14 Dec, 2011


many thanks stevie and a very happy christmas to you; this is on my favourites cos its making me chuckle so much.

14 Dec, 2011


ps did anyone interrupt or talk while you were so delicately and carefully putting up your decorations?

14 Dec, 2011


Yes thank you Sticki, I know its triumph, I know.
No absolutely no interruptions would have been tolerated. I am an artist and I need complete silence to create.

14 Dec, 2011


Must say was well worth all the effort you put into it...looks so.. festive, no wonder you won the

14 Dec, 2011


I hoped you noticed that I even waited for a bit of rain and miserable grey to frame this shot just right

14 Dec, 2011


every little detail ~ thats what makes it perfect. bit of a shame there is no chutney with it.

and the bird feeder is empty ~ do you have any seeds left to put in it?

14 Dec, 2011


P.S..forgot to wish you A Merry Christmas & happy New Year..:O)

14 Dec, 2011


ah yes every detail, even the Xmas bird feeder, bah humbug haha (will get some soon ; )
Might do another festive shot but just need to research it first for absolute perfection.
Yep merry etc etc and a happy all that jazz ; )

14 Dec, 2011


Joanella, are you feeling ok? you didnt click 'like', I understand maybe savoring it ; )

14 Dec, 2011


oh yes please do another ~ its making my day!!

14 Dec, 2011


It's better than mine:-(

14 Dec, 2011


i think you should have a special 'LIKE' badge to wear stevie!!!

14 Dec, 2011


BA you are meant to click 'like'

14 Dec, 2011


Dear Festive and Decorated Sir
It has come to our attention that you have some considerable talent and inspirationally creative ideas for decorating for the festive season.
Perhaps you would kindly accept our invitation to speak at this month's WI ~ the subject is 'Just a minute, while I decorate my house';
perhaps I should explain that this will be a competition; the competing delegates should bring their own materials [including ear plugs if they cannot or will not continue to perform while the audience chats] and all designs must be completed within 60 seconds.
Should you decide to accept our challenge/invitation you will of course be reimbursed for travelling expenses.
Yours very sincerely
Ms Chattering

14 Dec, 2011


Dear WI

Listen, I'm a celebrity (in my own head), I dont get out of bed for less than alot of money (about 10 quid should do it).
Also I have my book launch soon, 'Xmas - gone in 60 seconds' and I think you'll find I have copyrighted 'Just a minute, while I decorate my house' which will be sponsored by a well known brand of spray gun.
So if you want to give me sole billing I'll accept and only on condition I can put some gaffer tape over the mouths of selected attendees.

Xmas Artiste Stevie
PS just to clear matters up from last time, I was 'helping' that lady in your storage cupboard and by no means was any fondling intended

14 Dec, 2011


terms agreed ~ due to hysteria setting in.

the 'lady' has since left this WI ~ no explanation was offered. we did wonder.

I may add we have pre-ordered 100 copies of the Xmas ~ gone in 60 seconds ~ perhaps you would be good enough to sign the same ~ but only if you could guarantee that Xmas will indeed be over in 60 seconds.

We eagerly await the guarantee and the books and of course your presentation.
ps could you bring your own gaffer tape ~ we have run out. [the rumour of the last speaker being tied to the kitchen sink is not true]

14 Dec, 2011


What are you two like ? ..and yes,I have clicked 'like' Steve..cos I did that enough 'like '??? :o)

14 Dec, 2011


This is fab , I'm so impressed Stevie I complete guide to Xmas in 60 seconds .. MY OH will deffinatley be ordering a copy of your book in fact if you could possibly knock a few seconds off that he would be eternally grateful .....

14 Dec, 2011


Too funny!

14 Dec, 2011


A little ostentatious..Why, oh why do people put themselves through the wringer once a year like this ?

Stevie, think of the work you have made for yourself at Candlemass when it all comes down..Madness

14 Dec, 2011


we could all go and help ~ might get it done before easter that way??

14 Dec, 2011


Some people have more money than sense at this time of sound like one of them, wanted it,but didn't really need it ,did you ?

14 Dec, 2011


oops sorry Steve.even gone into my

14 Dec, 2011



Mr Terrible has an enormous ego that needs to be fed regularly. Think yourself lucky..Poor Regina not only had to click like...But she is off persuading the Mayor of Monmouth County /NJ to twin the place with Stevie, and put up a fitting monument.

14 Dec, 2011


its emotional, how this man has captured the true essence of Xmas, its profound ( wipes a tear )

14 Dec, 2011


lol Pimpernel..i did feel under a little pressure to add a "like" to be honest..dont tell him that

14 Dec, 2011


Who will be carving the monument? and will it feature in the Tate next year pimpernel?

14 Dec, 2011


I would have thought Bampy would like to make the monument he is so emotional..:o)

14 Dec, 2011


should be very interesting!!

14 Dec, 2011


Carving Sticki..? Surely a cast in a precious metal ( well poss a cheap metal Leafed ) is required. I have no doubt should such an icon be created, it would tour the finest galleries........and the rubbish ones as well. Stevie would not deprive the deserving masses....would he.

14 Dec, 2011


do you think I could buy a very good copy of it from a Pound shop,Pimpernel ? I really don't like cheap and nasty places,so hope he doesn't stoop to Harrod's level..

14 Dec, 2011


Stevie - I think I have mine from last year somewhere as well - do you want it to decorate the other window? lol?

14 Dec, 2011


I'm with Bampy...welling up here! It's like Lapland.....I'm surprised you don't have a queue of small children at your door Stevie.....oh, it just makes me think of Charles Dickens, Figgy Pudding and Sleigh bells....I'm off to put on my Slade record now....just have to hear it one more time....

14 Dec, 2011


Think you have forgotten the 'Baubles' Stevie!

14 Dec, 2011


like you do, cant play that one too many times..:o)

14 Dec, 2011


Hahaha! Priceless Sevie

14 Dec, 2011


Oops sry here's your T!

14 Dec, 2011


this is better than Slade!!

14 Dec, 2011


I'm sooo overwhelmed by your Christmas decorations, they're gonna put everyone elses's in the shade now! ;)

14 Dec, 2011


Merry Christmas Stevie :o)
That's the best decs I've seen this year !

15 Dec, 2011


Thanks folks, yes all this praise is well deserved ; ) Ok lets just have a look, tum te tum clicking on 'Popular garden pics' ahha there she is ; / featuring prominently, only been on a day and shooting up near the top of page two overtaking BOTH of Sticki's moons and Bampys moths. Haha he said laughing madly stroking a white cat, soon that Xmas no1 will be all mine

15 Dec, 2011


No one deserves it more Stevie , we recognise genius at work when we see it . are you sure that's a white cat ? there's an awful lot of strange men with white beards around at this time of the year ......

15 Dec, 2011


I know its planned as a surprise and everything but I think a largish statue in gold leaf would be fitting. Ok so if there's not the budget for metal (I have personal experience of how tight the WI are ; ) I could make it out of pallet wood and paint it gold. Maybe after some time if we are twinning with Monmouth county New Jersey we could lend it to them and replace the statue of liberty, that way I could get more 'likes' stateside..hmmm ego indeed.
What another wreath Kasy, double this!! are you kidding? would be far to much to take it, and what Grangmage, you suggesting I dont have any baubles!!
I will admit I did take some inspiration from the Lapland theme

15 Dec, 2011


I hope you realise that you've just thrown away any chance of peace on earth round your house this year, Stevie...there'll be carloads of those furious parents with over-excited children making a bee-line for this spectacular display!!!

15 Dec, 2011


Leave it to you Stevie to be responsible for luring me out of my self imposed exile!! No decorations up here as I am a Bah Humbugger when it comes to the commercialism of Xmas (nothing to do with the fact that I am financially destitute), but for some reason decided to google new trends in Xmas decorating this morning. Imagine my surprise and shock when the first posting to come up was WI Best In Village Award. I almost skipped this until I saw GoY mentioned in the description. I had to look in to see what TT and her lovely dogs had created. Imagine if you will my utter disbelief when I read that the highly acclaimed new trend for 2011 - 2012 Xmas decorating was in fact composed by STT!!!!! Not only that, but the high accolades and honours from across the pond in my own backyard no less!!!
I know you will be expecting me to click like, but I'm still in shock and not quite prepared, nor willing to participate in having you over take Sticki or Bampy. I also find the image of you madly stroking the poor white cat with a evil grin on your face quite disturbing! Please, I implore you, release the poor kitty!!!
Off to recover now, but I will be seeing you again very soon :)

15 Dec, 2011


Nice one Ebeneezer.

15 Dec, 2011


I haven't laughed so much in ages, what a barm pot you are Stevie, and everyone else on here that is encouraging you,

15 Dec, 2011


do your decorations reach this high level of sophistication and skill yorkshire?

15 Dec, 2011


DEFINITELY not my dear, I would imagine one would need months of training to reach this level, leaves us so envious of his artistic talents

15 Dec, 2011



15 Dec, 2011


Decoration guru. I'm a convert already!

15 Dec, 2011


Karen is a swot !! what would take Yorkie months took her a mere 6 mins...I think she is a true Disciple of TT.

Conker and Truffle are an inspiration to us all

15 Dec, 2011


Swot! What! I'm a quick learner I am......!

(and if I'm honest, it took me 7 and a half minutes...but don't tell anyone!)

15 Dec, 2011


Oops ..I mixed TT (the Terrible) TT (terratoonie) .........Let the battle of the Blogs commence!

Decorators...Are you ready.....?

15 Dec, 2011


Stevie, think I am suggesting that you have perhaps lost your 'baubles'!!!! Lol

15 Dec, 2011


I noticed Pimpernel...too polite to mention...but, at the end of the day...who cares?? The sentiment is the same ;))) x

15 Dec, 2011


I've done it now...happy?:-)

15 Dec, 2011


Stevie will be! he is winning the race now!!!

15 Dec, 2011


Ba ...You are not John Conner. He will be back.

15 Dec, 2011


Aahh! What did you do the button?? Much sucking of teeth here.....(with slow shaking of heads)....

15 Dec, 2011


We must look after Ba...The Germinator..

15 Dec, 2011


But while you're speechless Homebird, just click like ; )

16 Dec, 2011



16 Dec, 2011


Your chocolates arrived today Stevie. Thank you so much, delish!! As per our agreement, I have now clicked like. Sorry BA, you should have held out ;)
Merry Chutniemas Stevie.

18 Dec, 2011


Thanks Lil...easily bought ; )
Will do a Chutniemas blog before the year is out
Merry Chutniemas Lil and one n all

18 Dec, 2011


May be cheap Stevie but not easy ;)
Also meant to say Chutniemess......

18 Dec, 2011


Chutneymas blog will be worth waiting for - thanks stevie!

18 Dec, 2011


Lol. Listen, Stevie, you are the man of details. And you know - devil is in details. Lol.

18 Dec, 2011


indeed ...detail.. ; )

19 Dec, 2011


has the chutney fest begun?

19 Dec, 2011


You guys are too funny. Pimpernel I was in NYC over the weekend and the Statue of Liberty and Mr. Terrible have a striking resemblance. I'll have to see what would be fitting for Monmouth County UK/Monmouth County USA.

19 Dec, 2011


Lol, looking forward to seeing that Regina!

19 Dec, 2011

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This photo is of "Front of Cottage 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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