The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Epidendrum Red-Orange Orchid

Epidendrum Red-Orange Orchid (Epidendrum Red-Orange Orchid)

My Epidendrum orchids are blooming like crazy in the hot, sunny San Diego weather. They do typically bloom heavily in winter, though. Photo taken Jan. 4, 2012.

Comments on this photo


Oooh nice.

5 Jan, 2012


Thanks! :>)

5 Jan, 2012


You're getting good with your close-ups.

5 Jan, 2012


Thanks! I just put the macro on and I'm ready to shoot! :>)

6 Jan, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
3781 of 6747

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This photo is of species Epidendrum Red-Orange Orchid.

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