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Mandevilla splendens 'Red Ridding Hood'

Mandevilla splendens 'Red Ridding Hood'  (Mandevilla splendens 'Red Ridding Hood')

My Mandevilla has lots of buds and flowers. It blooms heavily most of the year here in San Diego, CA. It's also widely used as a shrub or vine in the landscape here. Soon my plant will be in full bloom. Photo taken Jan. 4, 2012.

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Lovely...both of mine have been in flower on and off. Not in full bloom though. One of the plant has seed pods....

5 Jan, 2012


It's not unusual for them to be in bloom all year. However, the heaviest bloom tends tends to be in summer. (although, I've seen very heavy flowering here in winter, also).

5 Jan, 2012


Is this one plant?

5 Jan, 2012


Yes, it's a pretty large plant.

6 Jan, 2012


Two different color flowers?

6 Jan, 2012


Yes, the flowers fade to a pastel pink or white.

6 Jan, 2012


This looks nice. Mine goes from dark red to

6 Jan, 2012



There's many hybrids of what's called M. 'Red Ridding Hood'. They're all suppose to be the same, however, they're not. :>) There's also many, many hybrids...when you go to a nursery here you see about 20+ varieties.

8 Jan, 2012



Thanks! Good luck with the cuttings!

I'm glad I don't have the parrot problems, even though, we've got a big feral parrot population my neighborhood, now. Parrots have been taking over San Diego, their populations have exploded in the last 5 years.

11 Jan, 2012


The parrots here tend to be in huge flocks of 30 - 50. I think the only predators may be hawks...not sure, though.

I've seen the large red-tail hawks kill other birds.

13 Jan, 2012

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This photo is of species Mandevilla splendens 'Red Ridding Hood'.

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