The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Versailles planter


By Gattina

Versailles planter

This what I understand as being a "posh" V.Planter. There are much simpler sorts, unpainted and without knobs on!

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very smart indeed

27 Jan, 2012


Blimey, Yorkshire - That was quick - I only posted it 3 seconds ago!

27 Jan, 2012


I don't hang about Dear,

27 Jan, 2012


now the computer is fixed yorkshire is off!!!

its a lovely planter gattina

27 Jan, 2012


HaHa sticki very funny.x

27 Jan, 2012


im just glad you are back!!! have you got the drinks open yet?

27 Jan, 2012


no not until 6, why have you,

27 Jan, 2012


no, just thinking about tea.

27 Jan, 2012


what, tea or tea,!!!!

27 Jan, 2012


Tea not tea

well both actually

27 Jan, 2012


now come on me ole love, don't start letting the side down

27 Jan, 2012


got to stay awake enough to cook!!!

27 Jan, 2012


don't worry about cooking, get a drink

27 Jan, 2012


I only posted this because Fran and I were discussing what a Versailles planter was and how many pieces of wood were involved.
While I was doing it, the mirror next to the door started to shake, and so did the desk - no more than you'd feel if a heavy lorry drove down the road outside your house, and I just thought it was the cats having a thunderous game of chase up and down the landing. I have just had a 'phone call to say that it was an earthquake down at Parma, about 70 kilometers away. How exciting! OH didn't feel a thing. Probably find some cracked walls around the garden tomorrow.

27 Jan, 2012


good lord, glad you are o.k.hope you don't find to much damage tomorrow,

27 Jan, 2012


Daughter just 'phoned to check we and the house are OK. Probably just checking on our life assurance situation.

27 Jan, 2012


Lol, let us know tomorrow if everything is o.k.

27 Jan, 2012


lovely - we have one like this but red instead - nice tree in it !!

27 Jan, 2012


I've just been scanning the Italian evening papers online: it looks as if everyone is just waiting for more, stronger shocks. It's a little worrying, but there is a fault line running right across the Emiglian Appennines. We've felt quakes before, but the locals knew what they were doing when this place was built - all the houses in the village are built on what is a large plate of rock which comes to the surface in these parts, and although it may slide, in theory, it shouldn't crack. OH usually sleeps through these tremblings, so you can tell how serious there aren't. No casualties so far.

27 Jan, 2012


Oh no Gattina - just read this in other comments - hope all is okay !

27 Jan, 2012


The whole of Italy is an earthquake zone. Comes with the territory.

27 Jan, 2012


keep safe gattina

27 Jan, 2012


Gattina ...
This morning I did try to encourage you to be in a safe place
... downstairs watching the tennis ...
... but would you listen ..???

27 Jan, 2012


Tennis was long over by the time we got the wibbles, Terra. Indeed, if I HAD been downstairs instead of chatting online, I doubt I would have noticed anything. It's usually the bedhead or pictures or the mirror rattling against the wall that gives the game away. (and don't any of you DARE read a double entendre into that!)
I can't believe it was felt from Genoa up as far as Venice. Apparently people driving on the A1 which runs from Milan, almost past our door and down to Rome, felt the tremor, stopped in the middle of the road and started to 'phone the emergency services. Not sure why. Just had a 'phone call from a friend, checking that we're ok and telling us that our little local town felt it more strongly than anywhere else round here. Big fuss about nothing!

27 Jan, 2012


Oooh! That sounds scary! We're far from fault lines here - although when out walking I often look at the strata of the exposed mountainsides and wish I could have seen millions of years ago how a mountain tipped onto its side - or got 'bent.' Must have been more of a shake than to rattle pictures on a wall! Hm! Still not sure about your explanation of that! (lol)

28 Jan, 2012


Stay safe everyone !

28 Jan, 2012

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