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mums plant 001

mums plant 001

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my mum was given this plant and passed it on to me. Label faint think it says Tibacnina urvilleana. I kept it outside during summer and bought it into porch before frost danger, now its flowered!

3 Feb, 2012


Love the colour, I see it has a few more buds on......

3 Feb, 2012


Google this Maezy


3 Feb, 2012


Lovely colour!

3 Feb, 2012


It is indeed Tibouchina urvilleana. Well done on having a bloom at this time of year!
Mine is outdoors to see how much frost it will take, although I do have a cutting of it growing indoors just in case!

3 Feb, 2012


Will google it as i know nothing about it. Did'nt strike me as being hardy enough to withstand winter outside and started to bud late, it has quite a few buds ready to flower so should look really nice when in full bloom. Its quite leggy so will investigate how and when to take cutting and maybe add to my collection! Thanks for comments appreciate it.

4 Feb, 2012


Cuttings are easy - green growth straight into free draining compost in the warm.
Getting leggy is the biggest fault of this plant with the cool summers of the last few years.

4 Feb, 2012


Thanks Meanie, i'm pleased you've told me how, i thought it was my fault it had gone leggy so thats useful to know as well, look forward to getting more plants from it now.

5 Feb, 2012


Nice colour, interesting Foliage too.

10 Feb, 2012

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