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Amaryllis (Amaryllis Hippeastrum)

This was a Christmas pressie several years ago now. It doesn't flower at Christmas time anymore - I'm always surprised when I see it in bud. I don't do anything for it just change the compost and give it a drink regularly when it starts to burst into life!

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I had one like this but couldn't get it to re-flower. Lots of new leaves but no flowers - I gave up!

8 Feb, 2012


That's so disheartening isn't it? Especially when the leaves go all long and leggy - that's when I forget all about them - cut the leaves off, then if I'm lucky it starts to grow again with a flower bud!

8 Feb, 2012


I was told after flowering, to stop watering it, let it dry out totally outdoors (after the frosts of course) then plant it back up in new compost end of September and bring it back indoors into the warmth. I did all this, got loads of new healthy leaves, but no flowers! Where did I go wrong?

8 Feb, 2012


Hi Sheliar - I've been browsing through my house plant books - Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much info available. But I did find that they like a minimum of 13 degrees centigrade. I then read that bottom heat is especially important, particularly during root formation before the shoot begins to develop! Starting them off in the airing cupboard or above a radiator might help. Maybe I've just been very lucky as I don't mollycoddle them at all! There's one in the conservatory now with lanky leaves - I'll cut them off and repot if the compost needs to be changed then it'll flower in the summer! The conservatory isn't heated so they have to fend for themselves at this time of year!!
Have another go this year!

9 Feb, 2012


perfect blooms...

2 Oct, 2013


Thank you Jane. It didn't flower this year though :o(

2 Oct, 2013


oh...sorry.. it will again? yes....

2 Oct, 2013

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This photo is of species Amaryllis Hippeastrum.

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