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This way up!

This way up!

Maternity. Edward Onslow Ford.

Comments on this photo


lol is that what she's saying to the babies??? I thought it was a pieta at first, but with two kids??? smiles, nice to be able to see it in perspective xxx

10 Feb, 2012


Wow, that is beautiful. Did you carve it yourself Pimpernel? lol

10 Feb, 2012


and if so, who is she? and whose are the kids?

10 Feb, 2012


Isnt that the Madonna with Christ & John the baptist? Thanks Pim. no crick neck now.

10 Feb, 2012


Much better! Thanks for adding the info. Love his 'Snowdrift' as well.

10 Feb, 2012


Edward Onslow Ford was once the most famous sculptor in Great Britain Lil..."Snowdrift" is very similar to the "Shelley Memorial "

11 Feb, 2012


Thanks for the info, Pim! most art has gone 'way over my head; I've looked up "snowdrift sculpture", found the right one and will read up on him, love the "snowdrift"

11 Feb, 2012


Yes, thanks for posting the info Pimp as I Googled him and read about him as well as viewing his works. Talent!! Absolutely love Snowdrift!
Hopefully you're out today preparing more for me to Google ;)

11 Feb, 2012


Maybe I was...

11 Feb, 2012


this is the kind of art that i can relate to - something that *means* something (and doesn't just mean "i'm being paid huge wodges of [public] cash to throw paint randombly on canvas or to exhibit my unmade bed"!

11 Feb, 2012


Lol>Pimp, being a big tease, as usual :)

11 Feb, 2012


It's very beautiful, but I think someone should put her very gently right on the proper way to hold babies. (Elf and safety, you know!)

11 Feb, 2012


it was probaly them elfs that tipped her over to begin with!

11 Feb, 2012


Had Twins then G ? One is bad e nuff.

11 Feb, 2012


Lol, as if you would know Pimp :)

11 Feb, 2012


twins of different ages? now *that's* magic!

11 Feb, 2012


Possible today I suppose Fran with IVF.(???)

11 Feb, 2012


suppose so. any volunteers to find out????

11 Feb, 2012


Lil...Lil ...Lil...Had to look after way more than 1 or 2.

11 Feb, 2012


I'm sure.....brothers and sisters? :)

11 Feb, 2012


No..I'm lil' Pim remember. (very young) ..

11 Feb, 2012


Right, of course, silly stop distracting me or I will have another burnt dinner on my hands!! :)

11 Feb, 2012


OMG the dangers of blogging with GoY are multiple and manifest! (namely ruined dinners)

11 Feb, 2012


Did you pierce the film ? ;)

11 Feb, 2012


How true Gattina, how very true.....
Haven't pierced a film in my life Pimp! Yours may be the 1st ;) Don't you have a blog you should be working on??

11 Feb, 2012


Yes, Pimp, Go away and do something useful and meaningful....I shall be checking up on you first thing tomorrow.

11 Feb, 2012


ooh, you're in trouble now, Pim!

11 Feb, 2012


Damn it...I have had a bad back you know...

11 Feb, 2012


Stop farting around and get that blog done! This will be your last warning, bad back or not!! ;)))

12 Feb, 2012


It's not a threat OR bad manners..Lil is Canadian..That's a valentine XXX

12 Feb, 2012


LMAO!! Working on a Valentine for you....tick, tock....

12 Feb, 2012


Will try hun..but lethargic.....2 days til love day ...Ages

12 Feb, 2012


Ahhhh...... and here I was expecting a delivery of chocolates :))))

12 Feb, 2012


Back to blog..Last sneeky peep. very apt one ..

12 Feb, 2012


lethargic - wasn't that a character in Shakespeare???

12 Feb, 2012


No, that was Lothariogic!

12 Feb, 2012


Ah. I stand corrected - rather, I sit corrected. why is one always supposed to "stand"??

12 Feb, 2012


Maybe just in the presence of genius?

12 Feb, 2012


genius? or Guinness???

lol and hats off, too!

12 Feb, 2012

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