Franl155's Profile

About me
I'm severely visually impaired and have an inoperable injury to my lower spine that makes bending or stretchng extremely painful. I was medically retired from work in 2006. I moved into my first proper home [ie not a flat] in November 2013 - semi-detached bungalow in Shrewsbury, now got TWO gardens, and proper ones!! oh, this is going to be fun ...
update 2017: it has been, sometimes in a somewhat masochistic sort of way! oh, the plans i still have, if the Housing Association will allow some of them ..
lol I still sort of hanker for a garden half the size of Epping Forest! but I think what I've got is quite big enough for me for now.
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Joined in Jun 2010
Country: England
County: Shropshire