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I love these..Beautiful PT

12 Mar, 2012


Thanks - I've put this on by mistake! Was going to delete it, but you've seen it! I've just potted up a new batch today. Thought I'd try and write my first blog... but there again... I might not! It could be soooo boring!

12 Mar, 2012


No..Glad you didn't delete it...go for the blog, it sometimes takes ages to do.

12 Mar, 2012


love these Pt, glad you didn't delete it...

12 Mar, 2012


Glorious indeed , Pet .
A new batch ? Is it an annual ?

12 Mar, 2012



12 Mar, 2012



12 Mar, 2012


I must start mine off, but I move in a month...........

12 Mar, 2012



12 Mar, 2012


This is a photograph of last years display. I had 160 flowers but not as many as my personal best of 172! I've got loads of tubers this year and have got two large pots in the conservatory and have placed another two but smaller pots in the airing cupboard. So four 'batches' in total this year!

13 Mar, 2012


I'm sure you could leave off planting your tubers until after you move Meanie. I once left it late and found that they shooted and started to grow in the previous years compost!
Thanks for all the comments everyone - it really is an eye catching plant and never fails to start conversation with visitors!

13 Mar, 2012


So pretty :o)

13 Mar, 2012


My favourite plant of all time! 'Pet' lol.... (that name suits you)! Hope you have a bit left over for me. - Ill trade you for something in my garden!

13 Mar, 2012


I reckon I'll do it two weeks before the move............

13 Mar, 2012


Yes, Poppy I've sorted 2 or 3 tubers out for you and have started them off in the airing cpboard!
Meanie have you got anyone who could nursemaid it will you move?

13 Mar, 2012


They'll go straight into the greenhouse PT. Two weeks in the conservatory before I move should be enough to get them going I reckon. Got ten G.superba tubers to start.

13 Mar, 2012


Amazing plant ,gorgeous !

20 Mar, 2012


Glad you like it Junna.

20 Mar, 2012

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This photo is of "Gloriosa Rothchilds" in Petaltracey's garden

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