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New toy


By Meanie

New toy

Bought this today in Lidl for £12. 5litre pressure sprayer - ideal for the greenhouse!

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Looks like fun!

27 Mar, 2012


Should save a fair bit of walking between the house and g/house in the summer!

27 Mar, 2012


sit in the conservatory and clean the greenhouse from there?? or is it for watering?

27 Mar, 2012


No conservatory at new place Sticki.
It's mainly for humidity spraying and blasting bugs off with (pumps up to 40psi), but will do some watering too.

27 Mar, 2012


i could do with a powerful water pistol, i can see those lily beetles from the kitchen door, 18 ft away [?] be great to blast them!!!

27 Mar, 2012


And miss out on the thrill of squishing them!!!

27 Mar, 2012


could always do that as well, once i have knocked them off my lilies asap!!!!!!!!!!
wretches! 8 on three plants i squished tonight.

27 Mar, 2012


That's a bargain Meanie I know ours cost a lot more than that ... btw you will be pleased to know the blue bell creepers have germinated and are growing well :o)

Sticki we have a water pressure thing that would knock spots off your beetles .. :o))

27 Mar, 2012


ooooh that sounds good amy! where do you get them from.

27 Mar, 2012


I'll have to ask OH Sticki , I don't know where he got it , we aren't on the main sewage system so need something high powered to occasionally unblock and clear pipe work ( sounds like fun dosn't it LOL.. )

27 Mar, 2012


sounds very useful but also expensive!!

27 Mar, 2012


I don't know it could be , it's my birthday today ,I've had a lovely time a nice lot of pressies and a yummy meal out , OH was tired out and gone to bed leaving me with a bottle of wine :o( I think I'll have another glass :o)

27 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday - looks great but keep it out of the sun as they tend to go brittle

27 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday Amy! Hope you had a lovely day! Is that why we are having such good weather?!

27 Mar, 2012


This is just a plant sprayer Amy, but still a good price!
Happy birthday from me too!

28 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday for yesterday Amy, looks fun Meanie....

28 Mar, 2012


Thank you all for your good wishes , sorry that this is on your page Meanie !!

28 Mar, 2012


when is your birthday meanie? ~ we could say early or late birthday to you too!!!

28 Mar, 2012


He must be a mad March hare Sticki .. :o))

28 Mar, 2012


do you reckon Amy? you are very brave saying that on Meanie's blog!!

28 Mar, 2012


Sticki are you trying to get me into trouble LOL ... I only say that because I know a lot of keen gardeners who's birthdays happen to be in March when is yours ?

28 Mar, 2012


ah i see, sorry amy!! definitely wasnt trying to get you in trouble.
mine is september ~ do you think the mad march hare was a few months late that year??? i was born in the year of the monkey though!!!

28 Mar, 2012


You're both in the "shino" - this was about my new toy!!!!!

Not a March baby me!

28 Mar, 2012


That's told us both !!!!!!! Sorry Meanie , I love your new toy .. OH is going to see if they have any left at Lidl to tomorrow .........

28 Mar, 2012


That's better!!!!

Get him to get some of the all butter fudge too if there is any left - delish!!!

28 Mar, 2012


sorry meanie

do we have to apologise with all butter fudge?

28 Mar, 2012


Nooooo - I've eaten far too much of it already!!!

28 Mar, 2012



i ate too many nice things in the lake district this weekend.

28 Mar, 2012


Now we're back on food!!
And I started it!

29 Mar, 2012


OH is back from Lidl , they didn't have any sprayers or butter fudge :o( we only have a small store perhaps you need to go to a much bigger one where they can hold more stock !

29 Mar, 2012


food is fine for me!!!

29 Mar, 2012


For some strange reason I have developed a taste for their white chocolate - creamy and not too sweet.

29 Mar, 2012


white chocolate?????? you surprise me!!! thats a bit like you choosing a variegated leaf plant!!!!

29 Mar, 2012


It surprised me too Sticki!

29 Mar, 2012


i like strong and dark!!

29 Mar, 2012


Me too - makes it all the stranger!

29 Mar, 2012


i dont think of the white stuff as proper chocolate????

i like the excellent sort!!!

29 Mar, 2012


'nough talk about chocolate!
Got a bag of Lychees to get through so that I can start some more trees off!
Got one growing already.

29 Mar, 2012


you grew a lychee tree from the seed??

how long did that take?

i love lychees.

29 Mar, 2012


It took about three weeks to germinate.

I poured hot water on to it and then left it to soak for ten days in a warm place until the water was festering. I then sowed it with the stalk end just level with the top of the soil and put it in the airing cupboard.

30 Mar, 2012


that is brilliant! and a very good excuse for me to buy and eat some more lychees!!

i havent got an airing cupboard though!! just somewhere warmish??

30 Mar, 2012


Somewhere warm - top of the boiler is good.

30 Mar, 2012


thats in the garage and not sure if it doesnt reach the ceiling???

30 Mar, 2012


Sunny window sill in a jar? I use the plastic sweet jars from the local convenience store.

30 Mar, 2012


I can look out for the sweet jars, sunny windowsill not so easy!!! there must be somewhere ~ even if it means moving it round the house.
btw have you seen bampy's pleiones?

30 Mar, 2012


Warm with light in a sweet jar??!!

Saw 'em and loved 'em!

30 Mar, 2012


ok, maybe kitchen windowsill, not as much sun as i would like but it does get some and the kitchen is generally warm.

great aren't they!

30 Mar, 2012


Try to get 'em festering a bit to simulate the monsoon conditions.

Green with envy over the Pleiones!

30 Mar, 2012


ok, so a smelly pot!??

me too!

30 Mar, 2012


Doesn't need to go rotten - just enough to see some sign of "crazy paving" on the seeds outer shell.

30 Mar, 2012


ok, well it will go on the windowsill in front of the computer ~ so i shouldnt miss anything happening!!

30 Mar, 2012

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