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For the Kingfisher, Dad

For the Kingfisher, Dad

4 years ago today, 8.28pm x

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very nice Stevie - lovely thought :))))

28 Mar, 2012


It's nice to remember :o)

28 Mar, 2012


Thats really lovely.
I like to think the Dads can hear these thoughts.

28 Mar, 2012


Aaahhhh. x

1 Apr, 2012


I think they do, Sticky. And I am sure they sometimes smile on what we are doing.
My Uncle had funeral last week. He was longstanding director of hunting association. He was very popular among hunters not just because of a knowledge about the nature and weapons, but also because of his sense of humour. When the priest´s assistant started to sing on his funeral, hunters who gathered in row, fiered salute to thim three times. And as they standed behind assistant, he was so shocked by the noise, that he stopped singing and bended forward. The priest by hs side smiled and asked him to go on singing. For a second in that sad situation I realised that Uncle must have had a moment of fun up there...

1 Apr, 2012

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This photo is of "Flowers Bulbs n Macro photos 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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