Bag a Bargain

10 Apr, 2012
This one's for Stevie the Terrible. O.K.... 2 tomatoe plants 50p each...2 unloved geraniums left out in the cold 50p each. They are gonna get hugs galore and will be saved! I found them in a large DIY store.. Cruelty to plants I say
Comments on this photo
Bargains - everyone loves 'em!! lol
10 Apr, 2012
Just given them a long drink, put them somewhere warm and tucked them up for the night
10 Apr, 2012
I'm sure they appreciate all the attention ;-))
10 Apr, 2012
honored, all hail the discount : ) well done
12 Apr, 2012
Same here Maggiekinsgarden, a few weeks ago I bought 6 ACERS from the same place at 50 pence each, I could not believe my eyes, I asked the cashier to have a good look to make sure they were the right price. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them except they were without leaves with was right for the time of year it was. :)))
24 Apr, 2012
good for you Michaella. Picked up another bargain 12 trailing lobelias half price in DIY store. All they needed was drink of water. They have rewcovered in a few hours:))
3 May, 2012
Pictures by maggiekinsgarden
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I can spell tomato! I was so excited, hit the wrong keys on the computer x
10 Apr, 2012