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ah! that is lovely

22 Apr, 2012


Enjoying the meal :o)

22 Apr, 2012


bless - love hedgehogs - not seen one for ages

22 Apr, 2012


Aw, isn't he cute

22 Apr, 2012


great photo, miss my hedgehogs, we don't get them in this garden..loved it most when the little hoglets were around so cute!!

23 Apr, 2012


Thanks to you all for your lovely comments, he/she comes every night around 9.30 for his supper......knowing it is always there.

23 Apr, 2012


hi lin ... ive got one that lives behind my shed .. he appeared during the hot weather a few weeks ago, came out during the day .. so cute. ive got hedgehog food especially for him .. bit like cat biscuits .. he came every night for about a week, then the weather changed and i havent seen him for a while .. hopefully he`s ok and will reappear shortly

25 Apr, 2012


Hi Cheepcheep, Yes I have hedgehog food too, but they love cat food I've read it in a book and heard it on the wildlife programme that it's a luxury meal for them. Its surprising how much of it they eat. We had one earlier in the year just like you, and he went for a while, I suppose it might be the same one thats coming round now. I think they're gorgeous little things.

26 Apr, 2012


the hedgehog appeared again last night! gave him big handful of biscuits and some of ginge`s leftovers ... he ate the lot right in front of me at the back door ... so sweet :)

27 Apr, 2012


Glad to hear he/she is back......but where was your camera !!!!!!!!! I would have it ready and waiting tonight, he will probably be back like our one does, they are lovely little things such cute faces.

28 Apr, 2012


i love hedgehogs, when we lived in Brum we had a family of them in the back garden that we would feed every night, i wanted to bring them with us when we moved but thought it best not to. Where we live now, in staffs, i have never ever seen a hedgehog and im told its because we have badgers living here, shame because they eat all the slugs.

28 Apr, 2012


ah! thats sad I love watching them and they are such cute little things. I suppose the badgers harm them and thats why you dont see any where you are. Never mind you may have a lovely surprise one day and find one having a good feed on all the slugs and snails for you. Lets hope so anyway!

29 Apr, 2012


Awwwwww.......what a cutie!

3 May, 2012


Thankyou Beckerl.... :o))

8 May, 2012


had my camera ready this time lin! he enjoys the cat food and hedgehog biscuits every night now! i can every stroke him while he`s eating ... ginge gives him a wide berth tho :)

9 May, 2012

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