The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Parrot Plant

Parrot Plant

This is a very interesting and colourful plant, currently growing very well in good light in the Shower Room. Sorry I'm not sure of it's botanical name - perhaps one of you could help me there?

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Impatiens niamniamensis :o) Bit of a mouthfull lol
I've got one aswell

27 Apr, 2012


Thanks for that Hywell! It took a long while to get established but now it's in full flow with flowers!

27 Apr, 2012


it's lovely Tracey !!

28 Apr, 2012


look like a bird!and its so beautiful!

28 Apr, 2012


Thank you Paul and Junna. I bought this at our Harvest Supper Auction a couple of years ago. I think I paid less than £1 for it - and the flowers are so unusual and like you say Junna it looks like a bird - a Parrot bird!

28 Apr, 2012


Impatiens niamniamensis, not easy to say when you've had a couple.

24 May, 2012


I just call it Parrot Plant!!! lol

27 May, 2012



27 Feb, 2014


Thanks Jane, It flowers and flowers...

28 Feb, 2014

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