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There are more and more bees in the wall...

There are more and more bees in the wall...

...and my spirit is crying for leaving :)

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Are these Masonry Bees? Which may become a problem due to their ability to build nests by tunnelling through soft brick mortar though usually in older buildings. It is rare that large numbers occur together but due to the fact that vulnerable buildings tend to be repeatedly attacked, quite severe damage can occur over several seasons.
Modern houses are not immune either if the pointing has small gapsetc.

28 Apr, 2012


It's fascinating...

28 Apr, 2012


Blimey plenty of them there.

28 Apr, 2012


wow that is a few isn't it....

28 Apr, 2012


Drc726, I did not know that. Thank you very much for very interesting information. I think now I have enough mason bees to create a freemasonic lodge in my garage, lol.

28 Apr, 2012


@Drc726, are you beekeeper?

29 Apr, 2012


No I am not Katarina but I had a friend who had this problem in her house.

29 Apr, 2012


You were right, they are destroying the bricks. Have a look on my next photo from today. I did not notice that before, but after I read your message I checked the wall more carefully and really I found erosions.

29 Apr, 2012


Oh thats awful K

29 Apr, 2012


That´s fantastic Drc726!

29 Apr, 2012


Can you make them go away??

29 Apr, 2012


I tried beekeeper, fire, cement, chemicals. Nothing works. They seem to be resistant to all disasters :)

29 Apr, 2012


That's awful, Katarina...poor you!!!

I'll ask my friend (who's a beekeeper) and see what she thinks...I'll probably see her tomorrow.

29 Apr, 2012


That will be very kind from you Karen. Hope there is some solution (excluding gun powder, of course, lol).

29 Apr, 2012


She's very knowledgeable...let's hope she comes up with something... :/

29 Apr, 2012


Thank you very much!

29 Apr, 2012


I saw my friend, Katarina - she says that it is very unusual for them to be in such large numbers. She is going to consult with her friends in the bee community (who aren't actually bees, lol). She will get back to me :)

30 Apr, 2012


I appreciate your help, Karen. Thank you once more.

30 Apr, 2012


I'll pass on any info as soon as I can, Katarina - I know that do her best :)

30 Apr, 2012


Hi Katarina, these bees wont harm you if you leave them alone, when they have gone in the winter you can re-point that part of your garage with some cement filler, our garage is the same but I am not worried about them. Now I do keep bees and my bees are called Mason Bees, quite different to these ones, I assure you. The ones that burrow into cement are quite different but harmless if you let them be. They are not pests and we all ought to be aware that our bees population is failing fast and without bees in this world would be a disaster, it is bees that polinate the flowers and trees and without them we will have no crops and therefor no food. It is quite serious.

17 Jun, 2012


I agree. My godfather kept bees, so I know all what you said and agree. Bees are dissappearing because of pesticides used for protection of rape. It causes loss of bee´s orientation and the one who lost its way is lost. You know.

17 Jun, 2012


I do know, Katarina. Please dont worry too much.

17 Jun, 2012



18 Jun, 2012


Hi Kat, did the remedy work...if not source the net for info....

18 Jun, 2012


What remedy, Crissue?

18 Jun, 2012


The one I sent you by PM lol

18 Jun, 2012


I did, but when I saw how they quickly died, I stopped. Some died, some stay alive. I will not repeat it. I did not have very good impression from it.
Ach, I am not just sclerotic, but began sentimental...

18 Jun, 2012


Oh well...

19 Jun, 2012

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