The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Little Love Bug X Unk

Little Love Bug X Unk

Diameter: 5" DIP
This is a hard one to photograph - it has hints of blue and purple.

Comments on this photo


I look forward to coming on here everyday Wylie just to see your lovely seedlings:-), beautiful............
I've been moving a few around today, in the rain,lol,had dug a new extension but after moving a few around and planting the new ones, no space left for any more :-(

28 Apr, 2012


Before you know it, you will be posting photos almost everyday :)

28 Apr, 2012


Can't wait, yours are certainly stopping me getting withdrawal symptoms :-))

28 Apr, 2012


Oh yes!! An interesting mix of colours on this one!

29 Apr, 2012


The veining also helps to make it interesting.

30 Apr, 2012

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