By Helenmartin

12 May, 2012
wat happened 2 my basket overnite???? i woke up2 looked soooo lovely the other day. :(
Comments on this photo
Looks like it needs watering ... baskets get very dry in no time at all ...
13 May, 2012
Oh dear ,both of the above answers could apply, what a shame did you manage to revive it?
13 May, 2012
well im VERY embarrased and ashamed 2 say it needed more watering!!!! its looking abit better now, shame on me....told u i was a newby 2
14 May, 2012
I forgeot to say you started off so well, But they do need watering at least once every day, I do mine twice a day when its hot, also if the compost is dry the water mostly runs off so I try always to avoid mine drying out then water soaks in and the water retention gel swells, I also feed them every week.
14 May, 2012
I hope the flowers in your basket perked up after more watering.
They dry out so quickly, especially in the sunshine !
15 May, 2012
Oh poor you this looks like cold shock to me have you moved them from a warmer place? or is it lack of water?
12 May, 2012