Auriculas stand - just for Cinders
By Poppylover99

13 May, 2012
I hope Cinderella sees this photo. I couldnt help thinking of her and her dilemma of how to display her ever growing collection of auriculas. Photo taken of course at the Spring Malvern Show.
Comments on this photo
That was quick! - so pleased youve seen it. What a nice grandson. I look forward to seeing the finished display.
13 May, 2012
Don't expect it will be very quick Poppy as these boys have more pressing things, like going out with mates, etc, but you never know,....
13 May, 2012
Hope so Cinders. Get some tinnies in for him and that may persuade him!
13 May, 2012
You could well be right there.
13 May, 2012
I have seen Auricula theatres made from old painted book cases and from DIY storage shelving even double sided stepladders, all looked very good.
13 May, 2012
Oooh thats a good idea Cinders. Maybe a trip to the local charity furniture shop is in order? I like the sound of the stepladder. We had a really old wooden one, that was too rickety to use. We threw it out, Im kicking myself now! You could use it as a stopgap anyway?
14 May, 2012
I gave an old step ladder away to be chopped up for firewood, just goes to show you shouldnt throw these things away, but I just haven't got room to store things 'just in case' any more. But may have a look around some old furniture stores when next I am out hunting.
14 May, 2012
Cinders that looks like a Pops Plants display.he would probably sell you that one at a cheap price come the end of his season.Seeing how you are a valued customer.
14 May, 2012
No harm in asking is there?
14 May, 2012
I don't think I would dare ask.. but who knows, I might get up the courage.
14 May, 2012
He can only say no.......but on the other hand....You might just be lucky. Go on, a bit of cheek goes a long way!
19 May, 2012
I am thinking of giving the grandson a job to make me one that I can fix to the wall, like a bookcase with a roof.
Just a small one, but other projects on the go at the moment.
19 May, 2012
Only just found this Poppy..I like Auricula Theatres so much...If it's not too late Cinders, Go on pluck up the courage to ask.
I really like another idea in this photo..Will be giving it a go soon :))
29 May, 2012
I have found another idea for them for this year Pimps, have fixed some brackets to my pergola and put some long troughs on them. Only done it this week, so when it is planted up will do a pic for you to see. They don't like the heat you see, and this is in shade.
29 May, 2012
Thats great, that's exactly what I like about going to these shows. There's nearly always too much to take in at the time, but if you take photos you can take bits of ideas from them and adapt them to what you need. I'm glad its inspired you Pimms and you seem to have solved your dilemma of how to display your auriculas at the same time too Cinders.
29 May, 2012
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Wow, what a collection. Yes Poppy I need one of those stands don't I. It really sets them off, especially with the plain black, tho I think it would look equally good in any plain colour. Have to get my grandson onto it I think, he does a bit of chippying. Thank you.
13 May, 2012