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Easy plant hanging basket

Easy plant hanging basket

I cant say Ive ever had that much success with hanging baskets. After seeing Willinillis magnificent ones from last year, thought I would give them a try. Im really quite pleased with the results so far. This was planted up in Feb this year, and has nearly covered the basket already.

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pretty PL :)))

16 May, 2012


Thanks Paul. Have you tried these yet?

16 May, 2012


tried yes - not my best talents though :D

16 May, 2012


thats really good!!! im amazed at how it has filled out ~ i have trouble keeping hanging baskets

16 May, 2012


That is so pretty!

16 May, 2012


Very pretty, well done you!

16 May, 2012


Lovely combination of colours :)

16 May, 2012


really lovely, i have only had one successful year with hanging baskets and they were magnificent, but that was 10 years ago and ive never had good ones since!

17 May, 2012


Lovely Pl - I especially like the viola, think I've got the same one in a pot!

18 May, 2012


Not bad for a £3 eh? Bought from Wyevales end of season clear out on the bargain trolley.

18 May, 2012


That's lovely Pl, mine never look so full...I'll try harder this year:-)

19 May, 2012


If you get some of those easy baskets Ba, you wont have to try harder - They do all the work for you! Easy to keep watered too.

19 May, 2012


I do have 'easy' baskets Poppy from Malvern last year...I've made a real effort this year...if they work I'll put a pic on and gloat. I've decided the trick is to put far more plants in than you think would be good for it:-)

21 May, 2012


Lovely colours PL. Those violas are so sweet. Very attractive in a basket as you get to see them close up:)))

22 May, 2012


I look forward to seeing those pictures BA. Im sure theyll be wonderful. Thanks Maggie, they are right outside my kitchen door so I see them all the time.

23 May, 2012


I really love violas and they are such good value - they just give and give. I think they look at their best like this - not mixed in with other plants. I've never done a basket of them alone, but I often have pots of them. Lovely!

29 May, 2012

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