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Fern  (fern)

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It gives such a cool effect!

18 May, 2012


Thats a lovely one Gg, I'm looking for some new ones for our wood, any recommendations? it's fairly dry shade.

18 May, 2012



This is the one I got for £1.00

If I was you I would go for UK natives anything with

Dry at the start of the name is the best indicator for dry shade.

they do take at least 3 years to settle in properley I find using bark in the soil dug in when planting helps plus I try and plant in the Autumn , I will take some more photos and with the proper names attached , I also grow the shuttlecock ferns and they are finaly starting to send out runners and are looking stuning at the moment , all the autumn leaves now go into the fern corner plus I try and cover the crown with leaves and some bark chips just to help a little with the cold winters we have had if newly planted and a tad tender.


18 May, 2012


Well I didn't know that the dry at the beginning of the name meant they were suitable for dry shade, easy to remember :-)
I love the shuttlecock fern and did try it in the wood, it struggled for a couple of years but no sign of it this year, I did water it religiously but think the soil was just too dry, do already have three in there doing well and after watching Gardeners World last night realised I have one in another area of the garden that'll do well to, I'll have to split it when it gets bigger, they certainly get plenty of mulch from the fallen leaves :-))

19 May, 2012

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