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Rhododendron 'Red Jack'

Rhododendron 'Red Jack' (Rhododendron 'Red Jack')

This is grown as a standard. Had to move this to the shadier side of the garden - on digging it out - it was riddled with vine weevil, which has, I hope, been the cause for the yellowing leaves!

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I'd like to know that a problem with them in my rhubarb...

That is a beautiful flower, Scottish!

20 May, 2012


Gorgeous colour, hope you sort the problem out!

20 May, 2012


It was easy with this - it came clean out the ground - the roots were ridiculously small - I had a poke around and 'hope' I got them all! Don't know what else to do other than put it in a pot and treat with the liquid stuff.
If it survives then good - but if it doesn't there's not a lot I can do about it HB!
Do they like rhubard too Karen? I don't have rhubarb - you can get the nematode stuff Karen but it's expensive - probably cheaper to dig out the rhubarb and buy the rhubarb it at the market every time!

20 May, 2012


The leaves look like they've been blasted with a shot gun, is just the leaves...

...probably need to be a spray of some sort... :/

21 May, 2012

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