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Geum Totally Tangerine

Geum Totally Tangerine

Another of the many orange geums on display at Chelsea 2012. This one from Hardys Plants is Totally Tangerine.

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I have this one - it's a cracker, flowering for months on end.

25 May, 2012


That's handy to know. Many thanks.

25 May, 2012


Because it is rather an airy plant, I grow it under and through a (Philadelphus) shrub, and that gives it good support and gives the bush what looks like an extra flush of flowers.

25 May, 2012


Yes it looked like a bit of an untidy grower and what you suggest as a plant to grow up and through the base of a shrub sounds just right.

25 May, 2012


Inverglen, it's not an untidy grower at all and must be the best of its type I've ever had. You can see it on my recent blog if you like...I think it's amazing:-)

26 May, 2012


Looked at your blog Bornagain and yes you are right. At Chelsea it looked like it needed to be supported by something else and Odjibway's message seemed to confirm that but your plant looks strong and just fine on its own. Thank you.

27 May, 2012

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