Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree Flowering
By Delonix1

25 May, 2012
Most of the Jacaranda trees are in full bloom throughout San Diego County and California now. Most tourists love when these trees are in full bloom here in San Diego, as the city becomes purple, blue. This tree is very widely planted as a street tree and in garden.
Comments on this photo
Sorry! Did your Jacaranda blow down during Cyclone Yasi?
Jacaranda trees are brittle trees and the branches break very easily in strong winds.
28 May, 2012
No it didn't get damaged by Yasi, but it was chopped to a metre in height because of the new shed extension work. The spot where it's growing, which is right next to the original carshed, is a very nutrient poor and exposed spot. It's taking the tree a very very long time to recover I'm afraid. It's now been in the middle of the construction area for over a year. It's taking that long for the work to be done because my hubby is doing everything himself. There's only two little shoots on the Jacaranda so I'm not holding out much hope that it will be back to its former glory for many many years to come.
28 May, 2012
It sounds like you may need to give the Jacaranda some chelated 16-16-16 fertilizer. This should get it growing quickly again.
The Jacaranda trees planted in San Diego's rocky, shallow soil still grow to 60ft/18m tall. They grow very quickly to 30ft/10m tall (in about 4 years), especially with a lot of water and fertilizer.
29 May, 2012
Thanks Andy I'll have to give that a go.
29 May, 2012
Good luck! :>)
29 May, 2012
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Now you're making me sad. I so miss my Jacaranda!
28 May, 2012